Faculty and Instructors
André Costopoulos
Professor and Chair
Evolution of social complexity; human adaptation to environmental change;, quantitative and computational methods in archeology; agent-based simulation in anthropology, and prehistoric exchange networks
costopou@ualberta.caSandra Garvie-Lok
Reconstruction of past human diets and mobility using stable isotope analysis; palaeopathology; weaning and juvenile nutrition in the past; Greece; Eastern Mediterranean
sandra.garvie-lok@ualberta.caLesley Harrington
Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Programs
Physical/biological anthropology, bioarchaeology, dental anthropology, growth & development; hunter-gatherers; southern Africa
l.harrington@ualberta.caJoseph Hill
Associate Professor and Director, Undergraduate Programs
Religion, Islam and mysticism, language and performance, gender, global and translocal movements, West and North Africa, Middle East
jbhill@ualberta.caRobert Losey
Zooarchaeology, aquatic adaptations, mortuary archaeology, hunter-gatherers; Northwest Coast of North America, Eastern Siberia.
robert.losey@ualberta.caKathleen Lowrey
Associate Professor
Lowland South American anthropology, South American ethnohistory, comparative ethnohistory of South and North America, economic anthropology, disability studies, feminism, and the relationship of historical and contemporary evolutionary theory to anthropology
kathleen.lowrey@ualberta.caMark Nuttall
Professor and Henry Marshall Tory Chair
Anthropology of the Arctic and North Atlantic; human-environment relations; sustainability of living marine resources; climate change; locality, identity and memory; Greenland; Alaska; Canada; Scotland; Scandinavia
mark.nuttall@ualberta.caAndie Palmer
Associate Professor
On Leave: January 1 to December 31, 2024.
Cultural and linguistic anthropology; discourse analysis; narratives of place; oral history; Aboriginal rights and title in the courts; Interior and Coast Salish; Northwest Coast; Maori and Pakeha relations, Aotearoa New Zealand
Tonya Simpson
Faculty Service Officer
Forensic anthropology, estimation of ancestral affiliation, trauma and taphonomy, structural violence and patterns in homicide.
tadubois@ualberta.caKisha Supernant
Professor and Director Institute of Prairie and Indigenous Archaeology
Archaeological mapping, Northwest Coast archaeology, indigenous archaeology, landscape archaeology
kisha.supernant@ualberta.caHelen Vallianatos
Anthropology of food, gender, body, health, mobilities and immigration, South Asian and Southwest Asian diasporic communities in Canada, anthropology of the senses
vallianatos@ualberta.caAndrzej Weber
Northeast Asia (Baikal, Hokkaido), Holocene hunter-gatherers, hunter-gatherer method and theory, archaeological science, subsistence and diet, mobility patterns, mortuary ritual, and social complexity
andrzej.weber@ualberta.caMarko Zivkovic
On Leave: July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
Social/cultural anthropology; politics; post-socialism; expressive culture; art; East-Central Europe; Mediterranean; Japan
zivkovic@ualberta.caAcademic Teaching Staff
Todd Kristenson
Alberta archaeology; pre-contact ecology in the Boreal Forest/Subarctic; heritage legislation; stone tool raw material identification; public outreach; archaeometry; human-animal relationships
Mirjana Uzelac
Anthropology of science, medical anthropology, gender, historical anthropology, Eastern Europe and the Balkans
Joseph (Jeff) Werner
Stone Age archaeology; experimental archaeology; modern human origins; eastern Africa, stone tool economy and function, quantitative use-wear analysis