2021 Augustana Convocation Spotlight: Jessica Logan, Eric Andersson, Danielle Brockman, Colden Palo and Michaela Pacholok
24 June 2021

Jessica Logan
Augustana Medal | Inaugural Living Learning Community House Member | Sangkor Choir | Butterflies & Beetles Research Undergraduate Lab | Augustana Human Rights Club | Campus Visits Ambassador | Research Assistant | Headed to Graduate School (Kinesiology, Sport & Recreation at North Campus)
Who was your favourite mentor or professor at Augustana?
This is such a difficult question because every professor I've had has played a part in getting me here today. Dr. Jane Yardley and Dr. Tomislav Terzin both took such time and care nurturing my curiosity and interest in research and helping build the skills I would need to be successful after graduation. Dr. Neil Haave, Dr. Anne McIntosh and so many other professors taught my courses with an enthusiasm and joy that kept me engaged through every topic. The generosity, humility and intellect of Augustana's professors has had such an impact on my learning.
What was your favourite class at Augustana?
If I had to pick just one, the biology capstone course, History and Theory of Biology, has probably had the largest impact on the way I think about what I've learned and how I've learned it, as well as how I'll go on to help educate others in science.
What’s your best memory from Augustana?
In my second year, I joined four other girls in the first-ever Living Learning Community House at Augustana (now known as the Theme Community House). We spent a year building diverse wellness skills and learning to live in genuine community. Those girls and that year have changed my life, and I'll remember it for a very long time.
If you could give a new student a piece of advice about studying at Augustana, what would it be?
The strength of Augustana is in its size and community. Don't be afraid to get to know your professors and ask for extra support when you need it. They genuinely want to support you and see you succeed! Also, if you're living in residence, drink more chocolate milk—it's expensive once you have to buy it yourself!
What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?
One of the most interesting lessons I've taken from the pandemic is the value of scientific communication. In my degree, we spent a lot of time learning complex processes, but translating that into clear ideas that can be understood by the general public is an entirely different, hugely valuable skill. I think the pandemic showed a lot of people exactly how important a science education is!
What’s next for you?
This summer I'm doing a studentship with Dr. Jane Yardley, which will be a bit of an introduction to my master's research! I'm beginning a master's of science in kinesiology, sport and recreation at the University of Alberta's North Campus this fall, and am hoping to continue to do research into the impact of exercise and functional fitness programs on the quality of life of those living with chronic illness. I also hope to continue doing some work in science communication, as that has been so rewarding for me this past year!

Eric Andersson
Augustana Humanities Medal | Augustana Choir | Co-Editor & Editor-in-Chief of The Dagligtale | Fine Arts Club | Headed to Graduate School (Philosophy at the University of Ottawa)
Who was your favourite mentor or professor at Augustana?
Having now completed two degrees at Augustana, there are quite a few names I could mention here. However, two that especially stick out are Sparky Johnson (who taught me improv during my first and second years), as well as Janet Wesselius, who taught me various philosophy courses during both my first and second degrees here.
What was your favourite class at Augustana?
Again, this is a difficult choice. However, if I had to pick one it would be first- or second-year improv. Those classes were not only a blast, but they also helped me live in the moment more, to let go and just live life, which is something I struggled with at times during my early years at Augustana.
What’s your best memory from Augustana?
Some of my best Augustana memories would include all the trips that I took with the choir (for both tours and retreats), as well as many of the parties and other social events I went to while a student here. I also fell in love for the first time during my Augustana years, so there’s also that.
If you could give a new student a piece of advice about studying at Augustana, what would it be?
My number-one piece of advice for any new Augustana student would be to get involved in campus life in some way. This is especially true for those of you who live off-campus, like I did throughout my time here. Whether it be joining a club, volunteering with school services, joining student council or working for the Dag, or one of the many other options Augustana has to offer, getting involved in campus life will give you another opportunity to meet great people and forge some really great bonds.
Other than that, my only advice would be to soak up every day and enjoy your time here as much as you can…you probably hear it a lot, but believe me, it goes by faster than you think.
What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?
The COVID-19 pandemic has really reminded me of the value of everyday human connection. Simple things like going to class together, having lunch together or even just being in a crowded forum with a crowd of students you don’t know. It’s been a reminder of the importance of physical proximity for personal connections: for while video calls and text messages are better than nothing, I don’t think anything can really replace in-person interaction (at least until VR technology is perfected…but that’ll be a whole other debate).
What’s next for you?
This fall, I’ll be moving to Ottawa to begin an MA in philosophy. Once that’s done, the plan is to get my doctorate, and then find a career working at a university as a professor/academic. And while I’m doing all that, I’ll still be pursuing my dearest dream of becoming a novelist, which is a dream I’ve had since I was 14 years old.

Danielle Brockman
Augustana Social Sciences Medal | Vikings Women's Volleyball | Vikes for Tykes | University Athletic Board | Headed to Graduate School (Physical Therapy at North Campus)
Who was your favourite mentor or professor at Augustana?
While I had many great professors throughout my undergrad, two stood out the most: Jane Yardley and Stacy Lorenz. Jane’s knowledge base was immense and she was able to answer just about any and all questions received. However, what I appreciated most about her was that she never left a question unanswered, even if that meant doing research between classes to find those answers. Stacy Lorenz’s expectations were high but he provided very useful feedback to take your writing abilities to the next level. Not only was Stacy an excellent professor, he also acted as a great mentor in showing me the importance of standing up for what I believe in. Together, the two made a large impact on my academic successes at Augustana!
What was your favourite class at Augustana?
My favourite class would have had to be AUPED 215: Intro to Human Physiology. This course was challenging, while rewarding. Not only was it taught by Jane Yardley, but the class was also quite small, which allowed for a more personable experience in which students were very engaged with Jane and one another, while also being genuinely interested in the content.
What’s your best memory from Augustana?
My favourite memories have definitely come from my time spent on the women’s volleyball team. Playing alongside my best friends, long bus ride chats and celebrating big wins will be greatly missed! Spending just about every day with such a strong and supportive group of women and coaches was truly a blessing!
If you could give a new student a piece of advice about studying at Augustana, what would it be?
I highly recommend taking advantage of the smaller university setting. Take time to go to your professors' office when help is needed, and form those relationships! Professors genuinely want you to succeed and will provide guidance in doing so. Also, take advantage of the other services Augustana has available. The librarians were my saviours when it came to writing papers and citing sources!
What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?
This pandemic has taught me the importance of being present in what I am doing. When you’re goal-oriented it is very easy to live in the future, yet often while doing so you tend to not appreciate the day-to-day joys in life enough! Looking back at life prior to the pandemic, it’s easy to see how many things I took for granted. I look forward to being more present in those previous activities as things begin to open up again.
What’s next for you?
I am very honoured to be continuing my education in a master's of science in physical therapy at the University of Alberta's North Campus beginning in August! While doing so I hope to help coach the women’s volleyball team here at Augustana!

Colden Palo
Augustana Fine Arts Medal | The Augustana Choir | Research Assistant | Headed to Opera NUOVA (Intensive Performance Program in Edmonton)
Who was your favourite mentor or professor at Augustana?
I had great experiences with so many of the professors I worked with during my degree. The teachers in the music department have had a great impact on me over the years. Charlene Brown has been a mentor of mine since a young age, teaching me in her “Music with Children” class as well as in private voice lessons when I got older. She has played an important role in helping me get to where I am today, encouraging me to give Augustana a try when I was unsure of things and being a constant presence throughout my four years, always ready to help navigate course selections or answer questions. I didn’t get to work with Charlene as much in university as I did when I was in her voice studio, but I did get to take AUMUS 335 (Music for the Theatre) with her, which was one of the most valuable, fun and hands-on classes I got to be a part of.
What was your favourite class at Augustana?
The Aural Sight & Singing Skills classes with Dr. Roger Admiral and Dr. Ardelle Ries, as well as AUPED 283 (Backpacking) with Paul Stonehouse.
What’s your best memory from Augustana?
I enjoyed getting to participate in so many amazing music performance opportunities, including those with The Augustana Choir. Going on our spring tour just a week before COVID hit was a highlight for many of us.
If you could give a new student a piece of advice about studying at Augustana, what would it be?
I would tell them not to be nervous to make relationships with faculty members, and that there will likely be a few professors who will 100% support them and their endeavours even if they only take one class with them. They are there for you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.
What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?
I have learned so much about the value of face-to-face experience with others, and how much more difficult it is to learn and grow without the daily interactions with staff and other students, both inside and outside of the classroom. Getting to see your profs and peers every day is a huge privilege, and can do so much for the professional, mental and emotional development of a student.
What’s next for you?
I am attending Opera NUOVA in Edmonton this summer, which is an intensive performance/training program for young adults pursuing careers in music and will be taking a year off of school to work before potentially continuing my education in music.

Michaela Pacholok
Augustana Science Medal | Onesimus Award | The Augustana Choir | Chemistry Tutor | Campus Visits Ambassador | Research Assistant | Ukrainian Dancer
Who was your favourite mentor or professor at Augustana?
My favourite mentor at Augustana was Dr. James Kariuki! I'm super grateful for the opportunity to participate in his research. That said, it's a pretty close race between all the chemistry faculty.
What was your favourite class at Augustana?
My favourite class at Augustana was probably AUCHE 410. In this course, upper-year chemistry students were given the opportunity to instruct first-year chemistry labs. The course provided an interesting opportunity to reflect on how much I had learned and grown since I had been in those "first-year" shoes.
What’s your best memory from Augustana?
My best memory is performing Christmas Carols with the Augustana Choir! Specifically, a couple of years ago, we were given the opportunity to carol through the streets of Camrose during a special shopping event. It was really fun!
If you could give a new student a piece of advice about studying at Augustana, what would it be?
Make sure to explore some extracurricular opportunities. Your studies are important but don't neglect the other exciting aspects of campus life at Augustana!
What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, I think that I (like many others) learned that I am not quite as introverted as I had previously thought. It's given me a new appreciation for all of my close friendships and the opportunities for socialization and group activities that I'd taken for granted in the past.
What’s next for you?
I'm not entirely sure what's next for me. I know that I will more than likely continue my academic journey to graduate studies, however, I'm not certain what it is I want to study. Right now I'm a little indecisive with a few too many interests, but I know that I'll figure it out eventually!