What is Law, Crime, and Justice Studies?
This program explores the relationship between law, politics and society, and between people and the state. Students explore crime and criminal behaviour, how laws evolve and the ways in which law and crime are connected to issues of social justice and inequality.
Law, Crime and Justice Studies at Augustana
Our multi-disciplinary approach provides students ways to explore different aspects of the law, crime and justice. Central to our degree is a focus on gender, class, and ethnicity. Understanding how these factors relate to law, crime and bias is vital for addressing the major issues facing the Canadian justice system.
Program Information
Interdisciplinary Studies: Law, Crime and Justice Studies is available as a:
- Major in the Bachelor of Arts degree program
Academic Innovations
All programs at Augustana include a wide-ranging liberal arts and sciences core, taught within our unique “3-11” calendar.
An undergraduate degree majoring in Law, Crime and Justice Studies from Augustana will prepare you for various careers in the legal field and beyond! Such as:
- Lawyer
- Social Worker
- Government Official
- Law Enforcement Officer
- and many more!
Featured AlumnA

Crown Prosecutor
“My job is to be fair and to do what is in the public interest, so each file I look at requires me to think about not only what is legally important but what is fair and just.”
A look into the root causes of deviance, its perception, and how it functions in society.
History of Canadian women from the seventeenth century to the present, looking at how Canadian women were affected by, and how they contributed to, changes in Canadian society.
Why is it that so much attention is paid to street crime while the crimes of the powerful go virtually unpunished and sometimes unnoticed? A comprehensive examination of the prevalence and impact of crime committed by the powerful, including white collar occupational crime, corporate crimes, and crimes committed by the state.
Drawing on existing work in the areas of political culture, cultural studies and popular culture, this course explores the relationship and tension between politics and culture in western states, with a focus on Canada.
Examination of the psychology of criminal behaviour and the legal system. Topics include theories of criminal behaviour, jury selection and decision-making, police interrogations and confessions, eyewitness testimony, and risk assessment and offender intervention programs.
Related Information

Geoffrey Dipple, PhD
Geoff Dipple earned his PhD. in early modern European history at Queen's University. He has published in the history of the Protestant Reformation in the German-speaking lands.
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Ana Klahr, PhD
I am a neuroscientist and my main area of interest is stroke. I use animal models to try to understand neuronal damage and identify therapies for stroke patients.
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Paula Marentette, PhD
I am a cognitive psychologist and my primary interest is in how people think. I use gesture and language as tools to explore symbolic thought in children.
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Mélanie Méthot, PhD
Mélanie Méthot teaches courses in Canadian history, crime and criminal justice in Canada, women in Canadian history, Quebec history and methods of historical research.
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Tara Milbrandt, PhD
Tara teaches in the areas of sociological theory (classical, modern, and contemporary), introductory sociology, and contemporary culture (film, community).
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Sean Moore, PhD
I am a social-cultural psychologist and my primary interest is in examining the causes and consequences of human emotions.
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Geraint Osborne, PhD
Geraint's research and teaching interests are in the areas of crime, deviance and social control, political sociology, historical sociology, and qualitative methods.
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Rebecca Purc-Stephenson, PhD
I am an applied social psychologist and my primary area of research interest involves how people adapt to chronic illness.
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Sandra Rein, PhD
Sandra Rein teaches in the areas of international relations, international political economy, and social thought. Her current research focuses on Raya Dunayevskaya.
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Justin Tetrault, PhD
Justin's research and teaching interests concern a range of topics, especially political movements, decolonization, and prisons.
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Shauna Wilton, PhD
Shauna Wilton's main teaching areas are related to gender, ethnicity, popular culture, and law and politics. She also does research on teaching.
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