CTL Advisory Committee
CTL delivers on its mission by bridging networks and leveraging expertise residing in partner programs (other university units with a mandate that touches on the learning environment) and faculties. The active link between CTL and faculties is CTL's Advisory Committee. The Advisory is made up of a representative from each of the UofA's faculties, usually an Associate Dean with teaching and learning in the portfolio, students, and representatives from other key stakeholder groups. This grass roots advisory identifies and helps shape CTL's priorities and ultimately highlights key teaching and learning related issues for the UofA as a whole.
Faculty Representatives
Karsten Mündel Vice-Provost (Learning Initiatives), Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Deanna Davis, Interim Executive Director, CTL
Lise Niyuhire, Senior Coordinator (Innovation), Campus Saint-Jean
Deanna Singhal, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Science
Jennifer Branch-Mueller, Associate Dean, Education
James Muir, Vice Dean, Law
Lisa Purdy, Assistant Dean, Graduate Student Affairs, Medicine & Dentistry
Sean Robertson, Associate Professor, Native Studies
Erin Pollock, Faculty Service Officer, School of Public Health
Angela Bayduza, Associate Dean, Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Susan Neufeld, Associate Teaching Professor, Nursing
Sherif Mahmoud, Clinical Professor, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Geoffrey Bostick, Associate Teaching Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine
Nat Kav, Associate Dean Academic & Graduate Studies, Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences
Tyson Lazaruk, Teaching and Student Support Specialist, Engineering
Andre Costopoulos, Chair (Anthropology), Arts
Leo Wong, Associate Dean (Education), Alberta School of Business
Anne McIntosh, Associate Dean (Teaching) Augustana Campus
Renee Polziehn, Professional Development Director, Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
Student Representatives
Pedro Almeida, Vice-President Academic, Students’ Union
Rija Kamran, Vice-President Academic, Graduate Students’ Association