Nomination of Chancellor
Chancellor Nomination and Election Process
The current Chancellor will complete her term in June 2024 and cannot be reappointed as per the Post-Secondary Learning Act of Alberta.
For more information about the Nomination of Chancellor Process, please contact chancellor.nomination@ualberta.ca or the Senate Director.
Nominations for the 23rd Chancellor of the University of Alberta are CLOSED.
2024 TIMELINE and process
- Nominations open on September 29, 2023.
- Nominations CLOSED on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 (12pm MST)
Frequently Asked Questions
Please review our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before reaching out to the Office of the Chancellor and Senate.
See FAQsStep 1 - Submit a nomination
Nominations must be sent to the Office of the Chancellor and Senate by mail or email (chancellor.nomination@ualberta.ca) no later than 12 pm MST on December 5, 2023. Receipt of all submissions will be acknowledged by email. The Senate welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified persons.
Step 2 - Candidate selection and interview
Candidates selected for an interview will be contacted in early January 2024. These candidates must be available for an in-person interview with the Nomination of Chancellor Joint Committee between February 3 and 5, 2024.
Step 3 - Candidate follow-up interview
Candidates may be asked to participate in a follow-up interview. Candidates will need to be available February 19, 2024 for this possibility.
Step 4 - Candidates nominated for election
At the direction of the U of A Senate, the Nomination of Chancellor Joint Committee will nominate 2 to 3 candidates for election by the Senate.
Step 5 - Nominee Senate presentations and interviews
Final nominees must be available for a presentation and interview with the full Senate on March 15, 2024. The Senate will elect on March 15, 2024 and the successful nominee will be named Chancellor-Elect.
Step 6 - Notifications to other nominees
All other nominees will be notified of the results by the Committee Chair.
Step 7 - Installation of 23rd Chancellor
The Chancellor-Elect will be installed as the 23rd Chancellor of the University of Alberta at the final ceremony of Spring Convocation on June 21, 2024.
The following will constitute a complete nomination package and is presented for reference purposes only:
- A completed and signed nomination form and consent form
- A letter outlining the nominee's interest in the Chancellorship
- Biographical summary and/or résumé - this may include work-life journey, various kinds of formal and informal educational experience, contributions to communities and public endeavors (both as a leader and as a member of a volunteer team) and other accomplishments and milestones (this may be submitted either as a two-page written summary or an audio/video file of no more than five minutes)
- Three letters of reference, including one from the nominator
Letters of reference should illustrate the suitability of the nominee for the role of Chancellor, including the extent to which the nominee meets the criteria in the role profile and attributes for 2024-2028. Please outline roles in which the nominee excels; accomplishments outside of the nominee’s profession, including community involvement and leadership experiences; appointments based on the nominee’s individual merit, personal commitment, and ability to work collectively and collaboratively; and qualities that make the nominee inspirational.
Nomination Committee
- Mr. Pedro Almeida - Students' Union
- Mr. Shawn Flynn - General Faculties Council
- Dr (hon). Dave Hancock - Alumni Council
- Dr. Jelena Holovati - General Faculties Council
- Dr. Christine Hughes - General Faculties Council
- Mr. Kirk MacLeod - Alumni Council
- Dr. Joseph Nanoa - Graduate Students' Association
- Ms. Christine Rapp - Senate
- Dr. Heather Raymond - Alumni Council
- Mrs. Barbara Walker - Senate
- Mr. Murray Whitby - Senate
- Mr. Pedro Almeida - Students' Union
- Mr. Shawn Flynn - General Faculties Council
- Dr (hon). Dave Hancock - Alumni Council
- Dr. Jelena Holovati - General Faculties Council
- Dr. Christine Hughes - General Faculties Council
- Mr. Kirk MacLeod - Alumni Council
- Dr. Joseph Nanoa - Graduate Students' Association
- Ms. Christine Rapp - Senate
- Dr. Heather Raymond - Alumni Council
- Mrs. Barbara Walker - Senate
- Mr. Murray Whitby - Senate
The membership of the Joint Nomination Committee is outlined in the Post-Secondary Learning Act (2003), Sec 7(2).
Contact Us
Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2E6
Contact Us
Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2E6