Day 4
Monday, March 14
All events are taking place virtually. To register for any Day 4 events, please click on the green button at the end of the page.
You can register for events until 10 AM MDT on the day your events of interest are scheduled to take place.
Body Positive Yoga
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MDT
If you're looking for a way to unwind and to feel good in both your body and mind, this event is for you! Join us for an hour long Body Positive Yoga session. Hosted by Natalya Brettle.
Romantic Identity Space
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM MDT
Whether you identify as homoromantic, biromantic, aromantic, or anything in between or outside of this spectrum or are questioning, we welcome you to join the Romantic Identity Space on Gather Town, where you can meet new friends! We'll have games (e.x. Set, Codenames, Draw Battle, and more!) set up for anybody who wants to play or tables for those who just want to chat. The first hour is open to everyone, whereas the second hour is reserved for those who identify with a specific queer romantic identity.
Decolonizing Transness Workshop
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM MDT
The workshop will engage the audience, through examples of varying trans identities across the globe, to reposition their ideas of transness from Western binary thought. The focus will be on illustrating the ways in which gender expression AND impression are fluid, encouraging the audience to feel more comfortable with varying forms of trans identities and appreciate transness as it is, rather than as a socially idealized trans self/other. Examples used will vary from the Hijras of India, the Mahu of Hawaii, and other identities that express the vast variety of trans people globally. This event is facilitated by Sachit Vashisht.
About Sachit
Sachit Vashisht is a nonbinary transwoman from Chandigarh, India who is currently residing in amiskwaciy-wâskahikan as a full time international student of sociology and women and gender studies at the university of Alberta. Sachit currently holds the role of student coordinator at the landing on campus. In their free time they love making art, performing, and engaging in critical discussion around gender and sexuality.
2SLGBTQ+ Education and Allyship in a Rural Context
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM MDT
This is a presentation for pre-service teachers, many of whom will likely find their first teaching positions outside of major metropolitan areas. We will examine some of the differences between a rural and metro school, the different sorts of discrimination that 2SLGBTQ+ youth might face, and practical ways to create inclusive schools. Presented by Alex Marshall.
Movie Night
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM MDT
We will be coming together on the Pride Discord to chat while watching The Miseducation of Cameron Post and to have a discussion afterwards. The movie is accessible via Kanopy through your UAlberta library account! Trailer HERE. A heads up about some of the content HERE.