Farhan (middle) graduates from the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation with a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology
Bachelor of Kinesiology student, Farhan Ahmed, has been a dedicated Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation volunteer during his four years at the University of Alberta. Beginning with his first role as Orientation Leader on UAlberta's Orientation Day, Farhan has worked his way up through the Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Student Society (KSRSS) taking on various roles, such as general member and VP Internal and Communications, to sitting as KSRSS President in his final year in the degree program.
Hailing from Dubai, Farhan and his family made Edmonton home when he was 13 years old. Spending his adolescent years in Alberta's capital made it a no-brainer for Farhan to attend the University of Alberta. Choosing the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, however, wasn't his original plan.
"I originally wanted a business degree, but found that I spent most of my spare time reading up on human anatomy, physiology and training principles. I made the decision to switch to the Bachelor of Kinesiology program in my first year at UAlberta, and I haven't looked back since."
Through his volunteerism, Farhan has been instrumental in fostering undergraduate student engagement and connecting KSRSS to Faculty-driven events and initiatives throughout his four years in the Faculty. From soliciting participation in projects such as Faculty videos and photos for marketing materials, to helping with the recruitment of student volunteers for Open House and Alumni Weekend, Farhan has made the most of his time as a UAlberta student.
As he convocates with his classmates and friends on June 6th, Farhan already has his sights on what comes next.
"One of my favourite classes in my degree was KIN 401, Applied Ethics in Physical Education and Sport. The ethics and law component was really intriguing, which encouraged me to take BLAW 301 the following semester. I enjoyed both courses so much that I plan to study all summer for the LSAT exam in hopes to come back to UAlberta and pursue a law degree."
Whatever the future may hold for Farhan, he will always look back fondly on his time with the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation.
"I am thankful for making the decision to pursue my interests in anatomy and physiology as it has provided me with a well-rounded experience in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (KSR). Along with outstanding academic and extracurricular experiences, I have made many lifelong friendships and met incredibly passionate professors and administrators during my time in the Faculty. I would advise all future students of KSR to get involved in as many extracurricular opportunities as possible. I would also advise these students to take a wide range of open options, because those options could potentially unveil new passions. "