Inspiring movement through groundbreaking research
The Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation leads innovative, multidisciplinary research with a vision to illuminate the transformative power of physical activity and leisure. With a world-class research environment, KSR fosters discovery and collaboration to address complex societal challenges and improve well-being locally and globally.
From health and wellness to the impact of recreation and sport, our faculty and students are shaping the future of active living, connecting research with practice to inspire movement and build a more inclusive society.
Meet our researchers and explore research areas
Faculty researchers
Our faculty includes internationally-acclaimed and award-winning scholars who oversee a breadth of research.
Postdoctoral researchers
Our Postdoctoral Research Fellows represent diverse sub-disciplinary specialties in kinesiology, sport, and recreation, bringing impactful contributions to advancing knowledge in the faculty.
Areas of research
Our research spans diverse areas of expertise, including Adapted Physical Activity; Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine; Coaching Studies and Sport Psychology; Neuroscience and Movement; Sociocultural; Recreation, Sport and Tourism; and Physiology.
Centres and Units
Discover the centres and faculty-led programs, where innovative research and interdisciplinary collaboration advance the understanding of physical activity, health, sport, and recreation.
Research Opportunities
Student research experience
Graduate and undergraduate students are actively engaged in groundbreaking research programs, gaining hands-on experience and learning alongside outstanding scholars.
Participant research trials
We offer opportunities for individuals to contribute to research by participating in trials that advance knowledge and understanding across our areas of expertise.