Master Thesis-Based Graduate Program Requirements Checklist
1. Appointment of Supervisor
a. Form completed by KSR Graduate Program Administrator's Office and submitted to FGSR shortly after new students' program start date.
2. Appointment of Supervisory Committee (at end of first year of program)
a. Complete KSR's Approval of Supervisor and Supervisory Committee - Master's form available in the Graduate Programs Forms and Handbooks.
b. Refer to the FGSR's Examining Committees Checklist for committee membership requirements.
3. Report of Supervisory Committee Meeting
a. Annual supervisory committee meetings are to be documented using the Report of Supervisory Committee Meeting, Appendix I of KSR Graduate Program Manual.
4. Proposal Meeting (typically after completion of course work)
a. Complete Working Agreement form, Appendix E of KSR Graduate Program Manual.
5. Graduate Student Ethics Training (GET) and Professional Development Requirement
a. Ensure GET certificates are on file with the Graduate Programs Office
b. Ensure FGSR's Individual Development Plan & Professional Development Completion Form is on file with the Graduate Programs Office (mandatory for students admitted September 2016 and onwards)
6. Final Oral Examination (by the end of year four)
a. Six weeks before the expected date of the final examination, the student must provide copies of the thesis to the supervisory committee.
b. Four weeks prior to the intended date of the final examination, complete the Preliminary Acceptance of Master's Thesis for Examination form, Appendix F of KSR Graduate Program Manual. Appendix F is signed by the supervisor and supervisory committee only.
c. Four weeks prior to the intended date of the final examination, complete FGSR's Notice of Examining Committee & Examination Date form.
d. At least three weeks prior to the intended date of the final examination submit the final version of the thesis to the arm's length examiner.
e. Three weeks prior to the final examination, the Graduate Programs Administrator sends the Notice of Examining Committee & Examination Date form to the FGSR.f. Bring FGSR's Thesis Approval/Program Completion form to final oral and secure signatures at end of examination (withholding supervisor's signature until required changes are completed). Submit completed form to the Graduate Administrator's office.
Thesis Requirement and Preparation
NOTE: The only applicable degree specialization is "Recreation and Leisure Studies" for the MA degree; student is to verify via Bear Tracks. KSR's areas of research are not to be listed as a specialization (ex. Adapted Physical Activity, Behavioural Medicine, Sport Psychology, etc.)
Please refer to FGSR's Resources for Supervisors for additional information.
Note: All forms should be submitted to the Graduate Programs Office.