
Gene discovery for neonatal encephalopathy using whole genome sequencing to identify underlying genetic defects in essential energy metabolism and neurotransmitter pathways in newborns with neonatal encephalopathy, and neonatal brain injury

Rare diseases, Indigenous genetics, translational genomics, and longitudinal patient care. 

Inherited metabolic disorders including lysosomal storage disorders such as Fabry disease, Hunter syndrome and Gaucher disease. 

Regulation of polarity, proliferation and differentiation and how dysregulation of these processes can lead to cancer

Liver transplantation in inborn errors of metabolism and newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism

Understanding biologic pathways that affect the growth and maintenance of the skeletal system and developing therapeutic options for rare genetic disorders

Identification and characterization of rare diseases

Komudi Siriwardena

Understanding pathways that control neural stem cell function and developing therapeutics aimed at engaging neural stem cells for brain regeneration

Molecular genetics of glaucoma, Molecular genetics of bawl-like breast cancer

ERBB Receptor Signaling, Cancer Cell Biology, Drug Resistance and Novel Therapy in Breast Cancer

Antisense technology, Genome-editing technology, Neuromuscular diseases, Musculoskeletal diseases, Neuroscience

Professors Emeriti

Dr. Stephen Bamforth
Dr. Diane W Cox
Dr. Dawna Gilchrist
Dr. Martin Somerville
Dr. Rachel Wevrick