Dare to Lead TM
Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, the Dare to LeadTM program is available to anyone looking to step out with grater courage in their professional and personal life.
This program is eligible for:
- Professional development funding available to UofA support staff through the Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF). Funding is now open for applications for a course, workshop, seminar or training program that takes place between Jul. 1 and Sept. 30, 2024
- Alberta Medical Association (AMA) CME reimbursement under Quality Improvement Cost on the Application form
- This curriculum meets the criteria for the Canada-Alberta Job Grant which covers 2/3 the cost of the training. For more information: Canada-Alberta job Grant
The Program
The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. The Dare to LeadTM program focuses on developing these courage building skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move from armoured leadership to daring leadership.
Individuals who successfully complete the full 24-hour Dare to LeadTM program will receive a certificate of completion and are allowed to put the Dare to Lead Trained badge on their LinkedIn account.
What will you take away?
- Learn to develop the four essential skills for courageous leadership
- Know how to live into your values
- Explore your leadership strengths and areas for growth
- Build the skills needed to have tough conversations even when you want to tap out
- Learn how to reset after setbacks and disappointments
- Improve your self-awareness & emotional literacy
- Understand the role of courage and vulnerability in daring leadership
- Practice empathy and self-compassion
Included in your registration fee, you will receive:
- Dare to LeadTM comprehensive Workbook
- Dare to LeadTM comprehensive Daring Teams Rollout Program Workbook
- Dare to LeadTM Trained Recognition Digital Certificate (attendance at 7/8 classes is required)
- Dare to LeadTM LinkedIn Badge (attendance at 7/8 classes is required)
- ICF Credits for coach renewal purposes in both Core and Resource Competencies
- Small group confidential setting with like-minded courage seekers
- Other fun takeaways and secret presents! as well as terrific networking
- An on-going Community of Practice with other DTL graduates – with check-ins and cool new tools to keep your practice sharp
Upon completion of the Dare to LeadTM program, you will receive a comprehensive second workbook with amazing tools to support you in scaling and embedding this work within your team, groups, and clients, based on pre-designed weekly learning sessions all planned out with agendas, outlines, and worksheets.
Pre-course activities, access to Brené’s custom Dare to LeadTM videos before each module, and post-program group community calls to support the continuum of learning outside of the classroom time are all hosted on one easy portal for you.
In the program:
Solid adult learning theory activities, integrating experience, reflection, laughter (an important part of learning), and application to your real-life contexts. The use of individual, small group, and plenary conversations provides stimulating variety. Practical application of theory to assimilate new tools by examining within each module how to integrate the Daring Teams Rollout materials into your work.
- private Facebook group
- community-building webinars
- Q&A sessions
How are organizations using Dare to LeadTM?
- As the kick-off or early module in leadership and team development curriculum
- Values alignment with leadership and teams
- Organization-wide culture development
- Project or work team forming
- Emerging Talent/Emerging Leader programs
- To support diversity and inclusion efforts
- In preparation for significant organizational change
- To develop resilience
- Skills development for new managers and team leaders
- Upskilling company’s leaders and business partners
- Keynotes and inspirational addresses at meetings
- MBA programs
- One-to-one coaching
- Offsite leadership retreats
Learn what others have to say about the course and the facilitator
“Laurie is a great presenter and engaging trainer. Very thought-provoking discussions over the weeks. The virtual format worked great, as it allowed me time to “soak” in all of the materials.”
“Virtual sessions and community building with the small-sized group was amazing. I had waited a long time to take this training with Laurie and she did not disappoint! Exceptional facilitator and leader!”
“It was great talking to everyone and being able to talk so openly about things. I’ve met some new people and really bonded with them during our conversations. It was also practice to break out of my comfort zone.”

As the founder of Megatrain Inc., Laurie Hillis has supported clients over the last 31 years in the private, public and nonprofit sectors to live courageous lives both professionaly and personally. Laurie prides herself on creating wworkshops that are engaging and meaningful to participants.
Laurie is a Certified Dare to LeadTM Facilitator. Along with her Dare to LeadTM work, Laurie is passionate about supporting clients in leadership development, mental fitness, emotional intelligence, and psychological safety. Laurie loves to integrate the research of other thought leaders in the field of emotional intelligence/agility and psychological safety in her work including Charles Feltman, Kristin Neff, Marc Brackett, Amy Edmondson, and Timothy Clark.