Resident Well-Being Committee
The Committee
Residency is a busy and stressful time. The goal of the Resident Well-Being Committee (RWBC) is to provide the resources and support necessary for residents to maximize their own as well as their family's health and well-being.
The committee examines professional and personal issues and advocates on behalf of residents in work, academic and personal areas. The committee invites volunteer resident representation from each specialty and sub-specialty area, and also has staff representatives.
The committee acts broadly by helping to co-ordinate well-being events for residents, but the committee chairs are also able to assist on an individual level. For further information please contact Dr. Bina Nair.
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of every second month starting in September, from 5:00 to 6:30pm on zoom.
RWBC Event Funding
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FoMD) and the Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta (PARA) provide the Resident Wellbeing Committee (RWBC) with funds for the promotion, maintenance and encouragement of wellbeing among resident physicians and their families.
Some of this money is allocated specifically to fund resident-planned wellbeing events.
Applicants should first attempt to find funding for the proposed event within their program's budget before requesting money from the RWBC. The RWBC will try to fund events that would not otherwise have the money or support to take place.
Please submit your application to