Join us for a public lecture by Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado of Japan, who will discuss the art of Netsuke.
Traditional Japanese garments (kimono) had no pockets; however, men who wore them needed a place to store their personal belongings, such as pipes, tobacco, money, seals, or medicines. Their solution was to place such objects in containers hung by cords from the robes' sashes (obi). The fastener that secured the cord at the top of the sash was a carved miniature sculpture, button-like toggle called a netsuke.
Netsuke, evolved over time from being strictly utilitarian into objects of great artistic merit and an expression of extraordinary craftsmanship. Such objects have a long history reflecting the important aspects of Japanese folklore and life. Netsuke production was most popular during the Edo period in Japan, around 1615-1868.
Prince Takamado and Princess Takamado collected many netsuke, which are now stored in the Tokyo National Museum. As one of the few researchers of netsuke and commodity culture in the Edo period, Princess Takamado will explore the world of tiny figures.
Registration will be open at 10:00 am. Guests must be seated by 10:30 am.
Special security is in effect during this event. Participants are asked not to bring backpacks and large bags into the Winspear Room. Taking photos is prohibited during the event.
Media Registration (deadline August 29).
If you have any questions, please contact Prince Takamado Japan Centre at ptjc@ualberta.ca