Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic Portfolio
The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) leads the academic mission of the university. The academic portfolio is diverse, and encompasses student recruitment, retention and well-being; selection and leadership of the university's deans; facilitation of academic program development and review; international engagement; stewardship of the learning environment; and relations with the professoriate.
Centre for Teaching and Learning
The Centre for Teaching and Learning supports instructors and programs to develop engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students by inspiring, empowering, modelling, and connecting excellent teaching at the University of Alberta.
Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
The Faculty of Graduate Students and Research works with faculty, students and staff across the university to promote excellence in graduate education and enhance the quality of experience for our graduate students.
Dean of Students
The Vice-Provost and Dean of Students is the University's senior administrator responsible for providing a number of specialized support services to help students achieve success and reach their academic potential.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The U of A is committed to cultivating an institutional culture that values, supports, and promotes equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility, human rights, respect and accountability among all members of our university communities.
Faculty Relations
Faculty Relations provides advice and assistance on a range of academic human resource issues. The team works collaboratively with Human Resource Services in interpreting academic agreements and administering terms and conditions for all academic staff.
Health Sciences Council
The Health Sciences Council (HSC) is the formal administrative arrangement through which the Health Sciences Faculties strengthen collaborative efforts. The Council has a mandate to lead and enable interprofessional education and interdisciplinary research, the two areas that comprise the essential academic support for interdisciplinary excellence.
Helping Individuals at Risk
Helping Individuals at Risk (HIAR) is a confidential, centralized resource for members of the campus community to report at risk behaviours or concerns about individuals who are at risk of harm to self or others. HIAR staff can assess risk, help connect individuals to support and resources before situations escalate, and offer guidance on potential next steps.
Indigenous Programming and Research
In consultation with university and community partners, the U of A has been working towards implementing the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action in thoughtful, meaningful and sustainable ways.
Go to Indigenous Programming and Research »International
University of Alberta International encourages and facilitates connections for all members of the university community to engage on the global scale, in support of the creation of an internationally vibrant learning and research environment.
Leadership Development
Leadership Development through the Office of the Provost offers regular bi-monthly sessions for Chairs, Vice Deans, and Deans. Additionally, we offer workshops for faculty and administrators on a variety of topics that foster leadership capacity at the university.
Learning Initiatives
The Learning Initiatives team advances many of the university's initiatives related to the learning environment, in areas that include experiential learning, awards for faculty excellence, blended and digital learning, and the assessment and evaluation of teaching.
Library and Museums
Library and Museums serves the university community through the Library, Museums and Collections, the Copyright Office, and University of Alberta Press.
Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights
The Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights (OSDHR) provides a safe work, study and living environment for all staff, students, faculty, and members of our volunteer community. OSDHR provides a confidential, neutral and safe space for members of the university community (students, staff and faculty) to speak in confidence about safety violations, financial mismanagement, ethical concerns, discrimination and harassment, among other concerns.
The Provost & Vice-President (Academic) is responsible for all academic programs at the University of Alberta. The Office supports faculties in moving program proposals through required approval processes.
University Registrar
The Office of the Registrar advances the mission of the University of Alberta by supporting and serving students from initial contact to graduation and onward. Working together with partners across campus, they have positioned the University of Alberta as a provincial, national, and international leader across all areas of registrarial practice and enrolment services.