Dustin McRorie, member of the graduating class of Spring 2020. Photo supplied.
This year, the University of Alberta is celebrating the achievements of our graduates with our first-ever virtual convocation on June 12. As we prepare to commemorate the achievements of our graduating class, we’re sharing just a few of the amazing stories of our graduates.
Meet Dustin McRorie, graduating with a BSc in computing science from the Department of Computing Science, as he reflects on transferring to UAlberta, his experience with the Science Internship Program, and on working for UAlberta alumni-founded software company Jobber.
What led you to pick the University of Alberta for your studies?
I picked the University of Alberta for its prestigious ranking relative to other Canadian universities, as well as the fact that it is located in the city in which I was raised.
Tell us about your experience in the Faculty of Science.
Nothing short of amazing. In my time in the Faculty of Science, I have learned exciting new skills, including using machine learning to make a chess AI that a person can play against. In my time in the UAlberta sciences program, I have also completed an individual study project under one of the computing science professors for credit, specifically working with using machine learning to create smart testing programs for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Lastly, through the Science Internship Program, I had the privilege of doing an internship with Jobber, a software company in Edmonton founded by UAlberta alumni.
What is one of your favourite memories from your time at UAlberta?
It might sound cheesy, but the welcome week in the start of the fall semester of 2017. I had just transferred in from MacEwan University at that time, and seeing the main quad packed with event tents, the pancake breakfast, and the live concert at the center of it all really opened my eyes to what the university experience should feel like.
What advice do you have for current and future students at the Faculty of Science?
Enjoy your experience, because it flies by faster than you would expect. You're going to have hard semesters. You're going to have intense exams. You're going to work on projects and essays that will take you some long nights at the library to complete. And it's only through these struggles that you will become a more critical thinker and a stronger problem solver than when you first stepped into your first class in freshman year. When everything is said and done, you're going to wish you would have done more to take part in the many experiences the University of Alberta has to offer.
How have you spent your time during COVID-19 distancing?
During this time, I've been doing quite a bit of outdoor fitness. This spring has been absolutely gorgeous so far, and I've been taking it as a silver lining to this whole pandemic situation.
How do you plan on celebrating convocation?
Over a Zoom call with my friends and family. It's going to be a convocation-style convocation party!
What's next after graduation?
I am currently employed with Jobber as a web developer, the software company that I did my internship with. I love the company as well as the work I do, so that's what's on my radar for the foreseeable future.