Happy New Year, everybody. Hope your holidays went well.
We've got lots of stuff planned for this semester!
Do you like 3D-printing? Want to print a heart?
David Kenny dkenny@ualberta.ca
- Recently had an MRI done of his heart and was given a disc with all the results.
- Would love to have a 3D print of it done.
- Does not have the skills or the time to learn how to do it.
David would like someone to 3D-print an MRI of his heart: if you are willing to take this project, please email David at dkenny@ualberta.ca to discuss time frames and/or payment.
A New Exec Opportunity! Two, actually.
The Shack Student Group is looking for:
- a VP Secretary to work with our previous one, who may not be able to attend meetings regularly, and
- a VP Events, which is a new position we've opened up.
To apply for either of these positions, and to get more details on what your role would entail, please view and/or fill out this google form ASAP.
Please email us if you have any questions.
Call for Volunteers
Science FUNday is coming up: we need some volunteers to hang out at the shack for the day! If you are interested, please email shackers@ualberta.ca or let us know on Slack.
Meeting time updates
Our exec meeting times this semester are Saturdays 6p-7p and Mondays 6p-7p. For any changes, we will send updates on the slack #exec channel. If you have any questions for execs, feel free to drop by!
Slack Page
In case you have not already joined, we have a Slack. If you want to join it (and/or want to add a friend, acquaintance, and/or significant other), here is the link: shackstudentgroup.slack.com.
That's it for now!
See you at the Shack.