The visual identity of the University of Alberta has recently been updated to fit the new One University brand strategy. This section will be updated soon to guide the implementation of the new visual identity system.
Adherence to these visual standards will ensure consistent and effective representation of the U of A brand to both internal and external audiences.
One University Master Brand We are adopting a “One University” strategy, a.k.a. a master brand strategy. The “University of Alberta” is our strongest and most recognizable brand asset and we will harness the power of one master brand strategy to create an institutional foundation for our visual identity as well as cross-campus alignment.
Our Logo

To truly achieve a master brand, we will be streamlining our visual identity, which includes the elimination of all subunit logos (any logo with the current university crest). This approach will create consistency, efficiency, and brand equity at the U of A. Download the new logo.
Our Colours
We are
Inspired by the colours of Edmonton’s river valley and wide stretches of prairie, flanked by deep spruce forests. Green is symbolic of hope and optimism as well as growth and harmony.
Inspired by golden harvest fields and autumn trees. Gold represents the light of knowledge and is symbolic of energy, joy and happiness.
Our Promise
Leading with Purpose
This is the brand promise for the University of Alberta. It may be used in any university communication materials, including as a headline, as a sign-off or within text. It is typeset in any of the Roboto font family cuts outlined in the typography section of the brand guidelines.
Typography is an integral element of the U of A brand and should be used in a consistent manner throughout all brand materials. To ensure consistency between print and online brand touchpoints, the official U of A typeface is the Google font family ROBOTO.
The full coat of arms is displayed at ceremonial occasions, such as convocation, and is used by the chancellor as titular head of the university. Only the chancellor and vice-chancellor may use the coat of arms. The Office of the Registrar is charged with managing the coat of arms and its use.

The university has two official seals it uses based on operational requirements. The operational seal is used to endorse legal contracts and various agreements. This seal is administered by the university secretary by means of a physical stamp. The academic seal is used to on certificates of merit such as diplomas, awards, scrolls, certificates, etc. This seal is administered by the Office of the Registrar.
The seals should never be used in any publications, promotional material, marketing documents or web/Internet applications.
** Due to the restricted nature of the seals they are not available for download.

Stationery items including business cards, letterhead and envelopes can be ordered online through Burke Group’s easy-to-use portal Burke Online.