Career Support

Expand your career horizons with Alumni career support and service programs. Whether your post-grad job hunt has just begun or you're switching careers, take advantage of alumni-to-alumni mentorship opportunities and career-focused events. Get in touch by email:

Services and Opportunities

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Employment Opportunities

Continue to access job postings, eligible programming and events through campusBRIDGE after you graduate. Register for an Alumni account using your preferred email.

 Business owner opening her store.

Career Development Courses

Alumni Relations is excited to offer premium-level professional development courses for alumni seeking to do some more in-depth learning on various topics.

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Alumni Connect UAlberta

This LinkedIn group is a place to connect with other U of A grads and find out about professional development courses and opportunities for University of Alberta Alumni.

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Professional and Continuing Studies

Stay competitive and expand your horizons for professional advancement with Continuing Education's array of online courses, offering job-relevant skills and flexible learning options.

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Alumni-to-Alumni Mentorship

Alumni in the early stages of their careers are matched with alumni career mentors to help them develop business and interpersonal skills that will help advance their careers. The program has continuous intake. We will notify you within six weeks if we are successful in finding you a mentor.

Business woman giving talk to business audience.

Alumni Career and Executive Coaching

As a University of Alberta graduate, you can save 15% on the cost of services provided by any coach on our roster of certified professional career consultants.

Young Woman With Bluetooth Headphones Listening To Music On Smartphone.

Alumni Podcast: What the Job?

From weird to bad jobs and unemployment to career pivots, the professional journey can be an unpredictable one. Every month, hear from accomplished alumni who have traveled unexpected paths to get where they are today.

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ThresholdImpact Venture Mentoring Service

The ThresholdImpact Venture Mentoring Service (TIVMS) works to develop, inspire and empower alumni or local Edmonton region entrepreneurs and connect them with teams of experienced mentors.

Other Career Supports

Technology Training Centre

Alumni qualify for a 25% discount on computer training courses.

Continuing Education

The $100 program registration fee is waived for alumni who apply for Continuing Education courses.