What do AFNS researchers study?
Our research and teachings are related to the fields of Animal Science, Food Science and Bioresource, Human Nutrition and Plant Biosystems.
The department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science (AFNS) offers research and teachings related to the fields of Animal Science, Food Science and Bioresource, Human Nutrition and Plant Biosystems. AFNS offers undergraduate Bachelor of Science degrees in Agriculture, Animal Health, Agricultural/Food Business Science and Nutrition & Food Science each with a variety of majors. AFNS students can also pursue a course-based or thesis-based Master of Agriculture, Master of Science or a PhD.
Undergraduate Degrees
Offering Bachelor of Science degrees in Agriculture, Animal Health, Agricultural/Food Business Science and Nutrition and Food Science each with a variety of majors.
Graduate Degrees
Pursue a course-based or thesis-based Master of Agriculture, Master of Science or a PhD. AFNS also offers a MAg/MBA combined degree.
Continuing Education
The Alberta Internationally Educated & Return-To-Practice Dietetic Bridging offers significant advantages for internationally educated dietitians and Canadian dietitians that are returning-to-practice. Courses are designed specifically to bridge the knowledge, clinical skills and judgement required to deliver safe and effective dietetic practice in the Canadian context.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity
AFNS Conferences
AFNS Resources
Supply Store Core Labs/FacilitiesContact
University of Alberta
4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2P5
Phone: (780) 492-3239