Now that you have an understanding of your Augustana degree requirements, one of the next steps to building your first year schedule is knowing what courses to take! There is lots to learn and this page will introduce you to the courses you should take, and other things to consider, to start you off on the right track.
⭐If you are registered or are planning to register with Augustana’s Accessibility Resources, this may influence your course registration.
Connect to Discuss your Schedule
Use the Augustana Campus Self-Guided Registration Module for information on registering in your courses, including which courses are required for your program of study.
⭐Augustana students must select courses that begin with “AU”. All other courses are offered on the North Campus in Edmonton and are not available to Augustana students without permission from an Advisor.
⭐Each term, students planning to complete a degree in four years should enrol in a full course load and take one course (★3) during the 3-week block and four (★3) courses during the subsequent 11-week session, for a total of five courses (★15) in both the fall and winter terms. This will result in your schedule having a total of ten courses (★30) over the academic year. If you plan to enrol in less than five courses in a term, it will extend the time needed to complete your degree. If you have questions about your course load, email for more information.
High School Students
First year students are only permitted to take 100-level (junior) courses.*
*Exceptions to this include language courses (i.e. students who have completed Grade 12 French should register in AUFRE 201 and 202). If this applies to you, email for more information.
Post-Secondary Transfer Students
If you are a post-secondary transfer student, you may already have credit (★) in some of the required courses for your degree. Once we receive your final post-secondary transcript(s) and any other required documentation, a final transfer credit assessment will be completed to help you with the course registration process. This information will be emailed to your UAlberta email address. If you have any further questions about how your courses will transfer, please email If you have completed 24 transferable credits (★), you may be permitted to take senior-level (200, 300, or 400-level) courses. The Academic Requirement Report (ARR) is a great resource to track your progress and see what courses you should be taking. Information on how to read and understand your Academic Requirements Report can be found on the Continuing Students Registration page.
The First Year Seminar - AUIDS 101
All new students in their first year at Augustana will take AUIDS 101 (the First Year Seminar) course during their first three-week block. Make this the first course you add to your schedule! AUIDS 101 is a mandatory course for all Augustana Faculty degree programs and is required to graduate from Augustana. Learn more about the benefits and structure of the First Year Seminar:
⭐AUIDS 101 has a variety of sections, each with its own unique topic! Select a topic that interests and enrol in the corresponding section in Bear Tracks and My Schedule Builder. As with other courses, space in each section is limited but the learning outcomes in each are the same. There is no wrong choice!
Courses for your major
Expand the dropdown of the major you applied to. This will give you a list of courses to help you build your schedule.
Recommendations - Courses you should take in your first year. You should prioritize taking these courses in your schedule.
Other courses to consider - Courses that will help you work towards different requirements, although there could be other senior-level courses that you could use in later years.
Notes - Additional items for you to know
Bachelor of Arts
Within this major, you can select an optional area of specialization in Visual Arts, Drama, Creative Writing or Music – you do not need to declare a stream in your first year (note the overlapping and additional courses for these streams).
- AUIDS 101
- AUENG 102 or AUSCA 142
- AUART 100 or AUMUS 170
- One of: AUCSC 111, AUIDS 137, AUENV 120, AUPSY 103, and AUSTA 153 are recommended. (However, any other Augustana Science course may count).
- A language other than English (Ex: AUFRE, AUGER)
Other courses to consider:
- AUIND 101, AULAN 101, and/or any other 100-level course(s) in AUHIS, AUPOL, and/or AUSOC (There are other course options at the senior-level).
- Visual Arts Stream:
- AUART 100
- AUART 111
- AUMUS 100 or AUMUS 160
- Creative Writing Stream:
- AUENG 102
- AUART 111 or AUDRA 144
- AUMUS 100 or AUMUS 160
- Drama Stream:
- AUMUS 100 or AUMUS 160
- AUDRA 144
- AUDRA 138 or AUDRA 139
- Music Stream:
- AUMUS 160
- AUMUS 162
- AUMUS 170
- AUART 111 or AUDRA 144
*AUMUS 160 has a prerequisite of either >70% on the Music Theory Placement Examination (MTPE) or AUMUS 100 must be taken in conjunction
- AUIDS 101
- AUHIS 121
- AUPOL 103
- AUREL 100
- AUPHI 101 or AUPHI 102
- AUIND 101
- A language other than English*
- AUART 100, AUDRA 101, or AUMUS 170 (There are other courses available at the senior-level)
- Two of AUCSC 111, AUENV 120, AUIDS 137, and/or AUSTA 153 (There are other courses available at the senior-level)
- *You can also participate in a Cross-Cultural Experience after year one instead of taking language courses.
- AUIDS 101
- AUCRI 160
- AUIDS 100
- AUPSY 103
- AUSOC 101
- AUIND 101 (There are other Indigenous Studies courses available at the senior-level)
- AUSTA 153
- ★3 in a language other than English
- ★3 in Fine Arts
- ★6 in Social Sciences
- ★3 in Humanities
- Politics, Society and Justice Stream:
- AUPOL 103
- AUENG 102 (Pre-requisite for AUENG 271)
- Law, History and Justice Stream:
- AUHIS 121
- AUIDS 101
- AUPED 112
- AUPED 160
- AUSTA 153
- AUPSY 103
- 1-2 AUPAC (1 credit) courses*
- One of any AUCRI, AUECO, AUHIS, AUIND, AUMGT, AUSSC, or AUSOC courses.
- ★3 in Fine Arts
- ★3 in Humanities
- *AUPAC are required for this program and can be taken at any level (Pay attention to credit (★) value of each section as some are ★3 and others are ★1). An outdoor experience course can be taken in lieu of AUPAC courses.
- AUIDS 101
- AUPSY 103
- AUSTA 153
- AUDRA 144 (There are other Embodied Expressions courses available at the senior-level)
- Mental Health and Well-Being Stream:
- AUSOC 101
- AUSOC 105
- Brain and Behaviour Stream:
- AUBIO 111, AUBIO 112, and/or AUCSC 111
- AUCHE 110 or AUPED 112
- AUIDS 101
- AUECO 101
- AUECO 102
- AUENV 120
- AUSOC 103 or AUSOC 105
- AUSTA 153 (AUSTA 215 is also available in Year 2)
- AUDRA 123 or AUDRA 144 (There are other Research Methods and Communications courses available at the senior-level)
- AUCSL 100 and/or AUPED 184 (There are other Experience and Engagement courses available at the senior-level)
- AUMUS 170 (There are other Fine Art courses available at the senior-level)
- One of AUGER, AUFRE, AUSCA (There are other Humanities courses available at the senior-level)
- An additional ★3 in Fine Arts or Humanities (There are other courses available at the senior-level)
- AUIDS 101
- Any 100 level humanities or social sciences
- A Language other than English
- Two Augustana Sciences. AUBIO, AUCHE, AUCSC, AUIDS 137, AUENV, AUMAT, AUPSY, and AUSTA are recommended. (However, any other Augustana Science course may count).
- If you are planning to pursue a professional program, consider what Prerequisite classes are needed for admissions
- If you are undecided and you’re planning to use your first year to take a variety of courses before making a decision about the program and major you’d like to pursue, it is helpful to research program options you think may interest you. Usually, you can plan to take courses in your first year that will set you up to complete whichever major you choose within four years.
- You can use the “What-if Report” in Bear Tracks to see which classes are needed for certain majors and/or minors that are not part of your active program.
- If you would like assistance navigating your options, please reach out to an advisor (
Bachelor of Management
- AUIDS 101
- AUECO 101
- AUECO 102
- AUMGT 100
- AUENG 102
- AUMAT 116
- AUSTA 153
Courses to Consider:
- One course in Fine Arts
Bachelor of Music
*If you are an incoming BMus student, you may receive specific course registration suggestions from the Music department once you have successfully completed your audition. If you have not yet completed your audition and hold an admission offer to the Bachelor of Arts’ Creativity & Culture major, please email for course registration advice.
- AUIDS 101
- AUMUS 170
- AUMUS 160
- AUMUS 162
- AUENG 102
- ★6 in a language other than English*
- ★4 to ★6 in Applied Music^
- ★3 in Choral and/or Instrumental Ensembles
- Other required courses may be indicated by the Music Department
- *A Voice stream student must include ★3 in German
- ^Your stream will determine the area of the Applied Music credits:
- Voice = Voice
- Keyboard = Piano
- Conducting = Voice
- Comprehensive = Solo Instrument
- Winter 3-Week Recommendations: AUFRE 101 or AUGER 101
Bachelor of Science
First year students in these majors will want to ensure that at least 50% of the courses taken are in the Sciences!
- AUIDS 101
- AUBIO 111
- AUBIO 112
- AUCHE 110
- AUCHE 112
- AUMAT 116 or AUMAT 120
- ★3 of AUPHY*
- One course in Fine Arts
- One course in Humanities
- 1-2 courses in Social Science
- *★3 of AUPHY is not required if a student presents credit in Physics 20 or Physics 30 (or equivalents).
- AUIDS 101
- AUCHE 110
- AUCHE 112
- AUPHY 110
- AUPHY 120
- AUMAT 116
- One course in Fine Arts
- One course in Humanities
- 1-2 courses in Social Science
- AUIDS 101
- AUCSC 111
- AUCSC 112
- AUMAT 120
- AUMAT 116
- One of: AUBIO, AUCHE, AUENV, or AUPHY at the 100-level
Other courses to consider:
- One course in Fine Arts
- One course in Humanities
- 1-2 courses in Social Science
- AUIDS 101
- AUENV 120
- AUBIO 111
- AUBIO 112
- AUCHE 110
- AUCHE 112
- AUMAT 116 or AUMAT 120
- One of: AUART 100, AUDRA 123, AUDRA 144, and/or AUMUS 170 (There are other Fine Arts courses available at the senior-level)
- One of: AUENG 102 (There are other options available at the senior level)
- AUIDS 101
- AUPED 112
- AUPED 160
- AUBIO 111
- AUSTA 153
- AUPSY 103
- 1-2 Courses in: AUBIO 112, AUCHE 110, AUCHE 112, AUMAT 116, AUMAT 120, AUPHY 110, and/or AUPHY 120
- ★1 to ★3 of AUPAC*
- One course in Fine Arts
- One course in Humanities
- *★3 in AUPAC are required for this program and can be taken at any level. Pay attention to the credit (★) value of each section as some are ★3 and others are ★1. An outdoor experience course can be taken in lieu of AUPAC courses.
- AUIDS 101
- Augustana Sciences: AUBIO, AUCHE, AUCSC, AUENV, AUPHY
- AUMAT 116 and/or AUMAT 120
- AUSTA 153 (or AUSTA 215 in
- One course in Fine Arts
- One course in Humanities
- 1-2 courses in Social Science
- If you are planning to pursue a professional program, consider what Prerequisite classes are needed for admissions.
- If you are undecided and you’re planning to use your first year to take a variety of courses before making a decision about the program and major you’d like to pursue, it is helpful to research program options you think may interest you. Usually, you can plan to take courses in your first year that will set you up to complete whichever major you choose within four years.
- You can use the “What-if Report” in Bear Tracks to see which classes are needed for certain majors and/or minors that are not part of your active program.
- If you would like assistance navigating your options, please reach out to an advisor (
Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education
- AUIDS 101
- AUENG 102
- 3-6 credits of Math/Stats ( 2 OF AUMAT 107, AUMAT 116, AUMAT120, AUSTA 153 or in year 2 AUSTA 215 or any 200-level AUMAT)
- 3-6 credits of Natural Science (Any AUBIO, AUCHE, AUENV, AUPHY OR, AUPED 112)
- 3-6 credits in Any AUART, AUDRA, or AUMUS)
Courses to Consider:
- AULAN 101 (or Any AUENG 200-level or higher in year 2)
- Any 3 credits of AUPAC, or AUPED 222 can be taken in year 2. *Many AUPAC courses are 1 credit, so 3 will need to be taken to satisfy the requirement.
- 3 credits in Social Sciences (AUECO, AUIND, AUPHI, AUREL, AUSOC, etc)
- AUPSY 103 (only required as a prerequisite if wanting to take AUEPS 258; alternatively, EDPY 302 may be taken, which does not have any prerequisites.)
- AUEFX 200 (will need permission from Student Academic Services to take a 200-level course as a first year student)
*Contact a Student Advisor at to go over your course registration.
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degree
*Contact a Student Advisor at to go over your course registration.
Available BSc/BEd Majors
- AUIDS 101
- AUBIO 111
- AUBIO 112
- AUCHE 110
- AUMAT 116
- 2 of the following: AUCHE 112, AUCSC 111, AUENV 120, AUMAT 120, AUPHY 110, or AUPHY 120
- AUEFX 200. (You will need to request to be enrolled in this course. AUEFX 200 is required, but can be taken 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year.)
- AUENG 102 and/or AUCLA 102 (There are other Language or Literature courses at the senior-level)
- AUPSY 103 (Prerequisite for AUEPS 258)
- Get a start on the Augustana Core: Knowledge by taking option/elective courses in the following:
- ★3 in Fine Arts (Any 100-level AUART, AUDRA, AUMUS)
- ★6 in Social Science
- The Augustana Core: Knowledge’s courses may overlap with the general requirements, the student’s major, minor, prerequisites and supporting courses, but not with the Augustana Core: Foundation.
- Winter 3-Week Recommendations: AUPSY 103 or Core: Knowledge course.
- AUIDS 101
- AUBIO 111
- AUCHE 110
- AUCHE 112
- AUMAT 116
- 2 of the following: AUBIO 112, AUCSC 111, AUENV 120, AUMAT 120, AUPHY 110, or AUPHY 120
- AUEFX 200 (recommended as an Education elective)
- AUENG 102 and/or AUCLA 102 (There are other Language or Literature courses at the senior-level)
- AUPSY 103 (Prerequisite for AUEPS 258)
- Get a start on the Augustana Core: Knowledge by taking option/elective courses in the following:
- ★3 in Fine Arts (Any 100-level AUART, AUDRA, AUMUS)
- ★6 in Social Science
- The Augustana Core: Knowledge’s courses may overlap with the general requirements, the student’s major, minor, prerequisites and supporting courses, but not with the Augustana Core: Foundation.
- Winter 3-Week Recommendations: AUPSY 103 or Core: Knowledge course.
- AUIDS 101
- AUBIO 111
- AUCHE 110
- AUMAT 116
- AUPHY 110
- 2 of the following: AUBIO 112, AUCHE 112, AUCSC 111, AUENV 120, AUMAT 120, or AUPHY 120
- AUEFX 200 (recommended as an Education elective)
- AUENG 102 and/or AUCLA 102 (There are other Language or Literature courses at the senior-level)
- AUPSY 103 (Prerequisite for AUEPS 258)
- As part of this stream, you will be required to take ★24 in Biology (AUBIO), Chemistry (AUCHE), Computing Science (AUCSC), Environmental Science (AUENV), Mathematics (AUMAT), and/or Physics (AUPHY) ( no more than ★12 in each)
- Get a start on the Augustana Core: Knowledge by taking option/elective courses in the following:
- ★3 in Fine Arts (Any 100-level AUART, AUDRA, AUMUS)
- ★6 in Social Science
- The Augustana Core: Knowledge’s courses may overlap with the general requirements, the student’s major, minor, prerequisites and supporting courses, but not with the Augustana Core: Foundation.
- Winter 3-Week Recommendations: AUPSY 103 or Core: Knowledge course.
- AUIDS 101
- AUBIO 111
- AUCHE 110
- AUMAT 116
- AUMAT 120
- AUCSC 111
- One of the following: AUBIO 112, AUCHE 112, AUENV 120, AUPHY 110, or AUPHY 120
- AUEFX 200 (recommended as an Education elective)
- AUENG 102 and/or AUCLA 102 (There are other Language or Literature courses at the senior-level)
- AUPSY 103 (Prerequisite for AUEPS 258)
- Get a start on the Augustana Core: Knowledge by taking option/elective courses in the following:
- ★3 in Fine Arts (Any 100-level AUART, AUDRA, AUMUS)
- ★6 in Social Science
- The Augustana Core: Knowledge’s courses may overlap with the general requirements, the student’s major, minor, prerequisites and supporting courses, but not with the Augustana Core: Foundation.
- Winter 3-Week Recommendations: AUPSY 103 or Core: Knowledge course.
Available BSc/BEd Minors
Certain courses addressing minor requirements can overlap with the Science Foundations.
- Recommendations:
- AUART 100
- AUART 111
- Recommendations:
- AUBIO 112
- Recommendations:
- AUCHE 112
- Recommendation:
- AUDRA 101
- AUENG 102
- AULAN 101
- AUMAT 120
- AUCSC 111 (Prerequisite for AUMAT 240)
Philosophy & Religious Studies Minor
- AUREL 100
- AUPED 160
- At least ★1 in AUPAC 109, AUPAC 123, AUPAC 125, AUPAC 134, AUPAC 152, and/or AUPED 184 (There are other Alternative Environments courses at the senior-level),
- At least ★2 in AUPAC 103, AUPAC 124, AUPAC 173, AUPAC 177, AUPAC 178, AUPAC 179, AUPAC 180, and/or AUPAC 181 (There are other Games courses at the senior-level),
- At least ★1 in AUPAC 109, AUPAC 125, AUPAC 133, and/or AUPAC 151 (There are other Individual Activities courses at the senior-level).
- You are encouraged to take ★2 to ★4 in AUPAC above a full course load (★30), totalling ★32 to ★34 for your first year
- This minor required a total of ★9 from the Activity Dimensions:
- Alternative Environments
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Games
- Individual Activities
- AUCHE 112
- AUPHY 110
- AUENV 120 (can be a prerequisite for certain senior-level Environmental Studies courses)
Courses to consider:
- ★6 in AUCRI 160, AUSOC 101, AUSOC 103, and/or AUSOC 105 (There are other Cultural Studies courses at the senior-level).
⭐Wonder what we mean by “Core: Knowledge course” as a Winter 3-Week suggestion? Find out on the Understanding Your Degree page.
Reviewing your first year courses
In addition to the above course suggestions, we recommend using your Academic Requirement Report (ARR) to check your schedule. This list should include your Foundation Core requirement (AUIDS 101) and all other requirements. If you have not reached ★30 yet (★15 each term), you still have room in your schedule to take additional courses.Other Thing to Consider
It is also important for you to look at your practice schedule when registering in courses. Since you could be away on Friday afternoons for games, it may be in your best interest to limit the number of classes that you take on Friday afternoons.
If you recently completed the Bridging Program, you are eligible to register in Augustana courses for the upcoming academic year. AUIDS 101 - First-Year Seminar (Topics in Liberal Studies) should be the first 3-week course that you take.
If you have any course registration questions, please email Vanessa Torkelson at
This is a UNIQUE study abroad opportunity for first year students! The Santiago de Cuba program is built upon the strong partnership between Augustana and Universidad de Oriented in Santiago de Cuba. Students spend a semester in Cuba, earning full academic credit. With the expertise of Universidad de Oriented and Augustana faculty, students explore the historical, social, cultural and political realities of this island nation. While in Santiago, students live in Cuban homes, study with Cuban professors, interact with Cuban organizations and learn to communicate in Spanish.
Outdoor Education
Outdoor education courses take students to many natural environments across Alberta in both summer and winter. As the gateway courses in Outdoor Education, AUPED 184 introduces students to the academic rigour of the discipline and the vast rewards of interacting in a meaningful way with the natural world. The students take one 5 day out-trip during the course: Snowshoeing in the Winter Term’s 3-week block.
AUPAC Classes
Augustana Physical Activity Classes can take place on and off campus. Ensure you check the class location in Bear Tracks and schedule enough time to commute if your course is off campus (Canoeing, for example).
Community Service-Learning (CSL)
Our CSL placements will allow you to develop connections between theory and practice while making a meaningful impact in Camrose and surrounding communities. In the process, you will also get the chance to build significant relationships with potential employers!