
Course Registration Key Links and Resources

One of the first steps to building your schedule is knowing what courses to take! This page will help you understand the registration resources available to you. 

⭐If you are registered or are planning to register with Augustana Proctoring, Accessibility + Student Success, this may influence your course registration.

Connect to Discuss your Schedule

Bear Tracks

Bear Tracks is the University of Alberta's secure self-service online system for employee and student information. Through Bear Tracks you can securely manage your personal information, financial details, and academic enrollments with the University of Alberta.

Bear Tracks

The Augustana Course List Tool

The Augustana Course List Tool shows all Augustana courses offered along with course descriptions and any prerequisite or corequisite requirements. It displays the term(s) each course is offered in, whether it is a 3-week or 11-week course, and how it fits into the Augustana Core.

Course List Tool

Important Dates & Deadlines

Students should familiarize themselves with the deadlines pertaining to registration, as outlined in Academic Schedule, and be aware that these deadlines are strictly enforced.

Important Dates & Deadlines

Academic Calendar

The Calendar is one of the principal sources of U of A policy information for students. Among other information, it reflects admission requirements and deadlines, academic regulations, programs of study, academic standards, degree requirements and general University policies for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Academic Calendar

Academic Requirements Report (ARR)

Your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) is a personalized list of required courses for your major, minor, and the Augustana Core. Use it to guide course selection and track your degree progress.

How to access your ARR?

  1. Log into Bear Tracks (opens in a new window).
  2. Click on the Manage Classes tile.
  3. Select the Academic Requirements link on the left side menu.
  4. You will be brought to your ARR. We recommend downloading the document as a PDF for ease of access. The download may take a few minutes, so please be patient. Information on how to read and understand your ARR can be found on the continuing student course registration website. 

*BSc/BEd students should use the What If Report to ensure the proper degree requirements appear.

What If report

You can use the “What-if Report” in Bear Tracks to see which classes are needed for certain majors and/or minors that are not part of your active program. This can be useful for Undeclared majors or students looking to change majors.

How to access your “What-if Report”?

  1. Log into Bear Tracks (opens in a new window).
  2. Click on the “Academic Records” tile.
  3. Select “What-if Report” from the left side menu
  4. Be sure to choose an Augustana program from the “Academic Program” pulldown. All Augustana programs will start with “AU-”:
    • AU-Bachelor of Science
    • AU-Bachelor of Arts
    • AU-Bachelor of Music
    • AU-Bachelor of Management
    • AU-BSc/BEd (Secondary)
  5. Once you have selected your program, you can select your desired major and optional minor. The system will then generate a report based on your selection. Your What-If Report follows the same format as an ARR.  Refer to the ARR information on the continuing student course registration website for information on how to read and understand a What-If Report. 


Now that you understand your degree and have this toolkit at your disposal, it is a good time to check out what courses you should take this year! Click on the button below that applies to you to be brought to the appropriate registration website. Once you have explored those recommendations, you’ll be well prepared to build your schedule and enrol in courses in Bear Tracks using the step-by-step walkthrough.

I am a New Augustana Student

I am a Returning/Continuing Student 


Through the course registration process, and university in general, you will hear many new terms used to describe important things. Below are some key terms we’ve identified that can help you choose courses and navigate your degree requirements.
Any requirement(s) that need to be met prior to taking a course.
A course that needs to be taken simultaneously in order to take another course.
The primary area of study in a degree program.
A secondary area of study that is optional for most programs (except BSc/BEd).
A course of interest that does not address any major, minor, or core requirements and allow students to broaden their background and knowledge base.
Core Course
A course that focuses on key competencies and provides the foundation of your degree.
A traditional course or component of a course that focuses on instruction of new material, usually with a small period of discussion.
A course or component of a course that focus on discussion, project work, and/or shared assignments.
A ‘hands-on’ experiential course or component of a course.
A discussion-based session for groups of students enrolled in a particular course. Each group can be led by the course instructor or senior undergraduate students with the support of the course instructor.
This is a course that contains both a lecture and a lab component. Your lab component will usually be scheduled on a different day or time from the lecture as your lab will have a smaller group of students from the larger lecture class. In these classes you receive the same credit hours for the lab and lecture as they are integrated within the same course.
Replace a portion of traditional face-to-face instruction with web-based online learning
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
Synchronous learning is where learning is conducted at the same time for all students. Asynchronous learning is where students can learn on their own time.
Credits (★) / Units
A measure of the number of hours dedicated to the completion of your degree. A typical class at Augustana is ★3 (credits) or 3 units.
Drop vs. Withdraw
Dropping removes a course from your schedule along with all record of your enrollment in the course before the Add/Drop Deadline. Withdrawing from a course occurs after the Add/Drop Deadline and the course will remain on your transcript with a ‘W’ for the grade (this will not impact your Grade Point Average (GPA)).
The function of dropping and adding a new course simultaneously (replacing) without the risk of losing the seat in one (or both) courses. If you are unable to enrol in the new course, the swap will not take place.
Seat Reserve
For many classes, a specific number of seats will be reserved for a specific group of students. This may be a particular year, standing or major. All seat reserves get lifted August 1.
Requirement Term
The program requirements in effect at the time of your first admission (or re-admission) into this program are those that you are required to meet.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
A student's Grade Point Average is calculated as the total number of grade points received divided by the total number of credits awarded. GPA Calculator
Capstone Course
A course that integrates knowledge and skills learned throughout the program and includes the history and philosophy of the field of study. These courses are comprehensive and are taken in the final year.
Full-Time Status
Students who are registered for credit in the equivalent of ★9 or more in a Fall/Winter Term.
Part-Time Status
Students who are registered for credit in the equivalent of fewer than ★9 in a term.
Year Standing
Based on the number of credits completed. Influences what level of courses a student can enrol in.
Year 1 (Y1) - ★0-★23
Year 2 (Y2) - ★24-★53
Year 3 (Y3) - ★54-★83
Year 4 (Y4) - ★84+