
Canvas is a key aspect of the University of Alberta’s “Education with Purpose” mandate to deliver “innovative, flexible learning and experiences that prepare students as global citizens who make impacts on the world.”
—Shape: A Strategic Plan of Impact, 2023

In partnership with the University of Alberta’s Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), CTL facilitates workshops and webinars designed to enhance your teaching and learning experience with Canvas in person and online.

Teaching and learning happens in multiple spaces, places, and dimensions of our work at the U of A. Every Canvas learning opportunity welcomes anyone who is engaged in supporting students’ learning experiences.

diagram illustrating the services provided by CTL and eClass, including the Canvas Community resource


Canvas Webinars

17 janvier | de 12 h à 12 h 45 | en ligne
Que voient les personnes étudiantes dans Canvas? Outils pour concevoir et vérifier l'expérience étudiante

Jan. 29 | 12 - 12:45 p.m. | Online
What do students see in Canvas? Tools to design and verify the student experience

Learn more

Canvas Learning Opportunities

Feb. 18 - 20 | 9 a.m. - Noon | Online

Workshop #1: Creating your Course Using the University of Alberta Canvas Template

Workshop #2: Building and Grading Assessments for your Course in Canvas

Workshop #3: Canvas Features to Maximize Student Engagement

Learn more

Canvas Build space

Feb. 25, Mar. 6 or Mar. 12 | 9 a.m. to Noon | B-12, Cameron Library (Basement)

Join one (or more) of our Canvas Build Spaces, an in-person co-working space to design and build your Canvas course(s) for the upcoming Spring, Summer, and Fall terms. In this informal setting, CTL facilitators will circulate the room and provide individualized pedagogical support to University of Alberta instructors and staff as they use Canvas tools and strategies.

Learn more

Canvas Video Recordings

Missed a Canvas webinar or workshop?  Recordings of the screencasts from these sessions are now available in Knowledgebase.

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