Options for Display Color Conversion
Microsoft Word
The background color under Word can be customized by going to the Design tab and then Page Color on the right-hand side.
Adobe Acrobat DC
For PDF files, under Adobe DC Reader, go to Edit > Preferences > Accessibility and then select Replace Document Colors.
Color-tinting (Windows)
For overall tinting for the Windows environment, Color Veil is completely free. https://www.aurelitec.com/colorveil/windows/download/
Color-tinting (Mac)
For the Mac environment, there is a comparatively low-cost option available through the Mac App Store called Screen Tint. https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/screen-tint/id1146529225?mt=12 ($3.99)
Browsers (Chrome)
For Chrome browsers, the free add-on extension g.lux, allows tinting for everything you do within the browser. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/glux/hinolicfmhnjadpggledmhnffommefaf?hl=en
Color temperature (Windows and Mac)
There is a free program called f.lux for both PC and Mac and which changes the color temperature for the OS environment. This is not exactly the same thing as screen tinting but allows the color temperature to be warm or cool for greater comfort. https://justgetflux.com/
Color temperature built-in (Windows)
Newer editions of Windows and the MAC OS also include built-in color temperature controls. Night Light: https://www.winhelponline.com/blog/blue-light-reduction-windows-10-enable/
Color temperature built-in (Mac)
Night Shift: https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT207513
Resources collected by Chris Dodd, Adaptive Technologist. If you have any questions, email arrec@ualberta.ca.