The Copyright Office of the University of Alberta is celebrating Fair Dealing Week 2018 by hosting four events on Wednesday, February 28. All events will be in held in the Wild Rose Room at the Lister Centre. Below are the Event Schedule, information about the speakers, and registration information.
I. Event Schedule
Welcome and Opening Remarks [9:30-9:45am]: Kathleen DeLong, Vice-Provost, Learning Services and Chief Librarian, University of Alberta
The State of Fair Dealing in Canada [9:45-10:45am]
Speaker: Lisa Di Valentino, Law and Public Policy Librarian at the University of Massachusetts
Moderator: Amanda Wakaruk, Copyright Librarian, Copyright Office, University of Alberta
Abstract: This session will provide an overview of fair dealing in Canada with a focus on the recent and continuing case of Access Copyright v. York University. This long-awaited Federal Court decision resulted in a loss for York on all claims and is currently under appeal. The history and context of the litigation, the court's decision, the criticisms of the academic community, and the implications for future interpretations of fair dealing in Canadian education will be addressed.
Fair Dealing Guidelines Forum [11:00-12:00pm]
Facilitator: Adrian Sheppard, Director, Copyright Office, University of Alberta
Moderator: Cindy Paul, Copyright Specialist, Copyright Office, University of Alberta
Abstract: It has been over five years since the AUCC Fair Dealing Guidelines were released, and just as the Copyright Act is undergoing a review after five years, it seems timely to review these Guidelines as well. What have we learned about applying institutional fair dealing guidelines in a university context over the last five years, and how might we revise or enhance such guidelines to create improvements based on this experience? Does it still make good practical sense for universities to rely on fair dealing guidelines modelled on the 2012 AUCC Guidelines, or are there alternative approaches that might better serve the needs of the university community in applying their fair dealing rights effectively?
Today's Fair Dealing Discussion in Federal Parliament [1:30-2:30pm]
Speaker: Chris George, President, CG&A Communications
Moderator: Obianuju Mollel, Senior Consultant, Knowledge Management Practice Support & Education, Alberta Health Services
Abstract: Federal Members of Parliament are reviewing the Copyright Act and the outcomes from this review have the potential to frame the copyright debate and possible legislative agenda for years to come. Educational use of fair dealing will be an issue of considerable discussion as MPs are being intensely lobbied to narrow or eliminate the fair dealing provision. So, there is a great deal at stake for Canadian educators and students with the current parliamentary review. It is paramount that educators understand what is happening in Ottawa, both the details of the government's copyright review process, and insight into the active lobbying against the fair dealing provision. Appreciating the finer points of today's fair dealing discussion in the Federal Parliament will empower educators to become better advocates for fair dealing.
How You Can Contribute the 2017/2018 Canadian Copyright Act Review [3:00-4:00pm]
Facilitator: Michael McNally, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta
Moderator: Adrian Sheppard, Director, Copyright Office, University of Alberta
Abstract: The 2012 revisions to the Canadian Copyright Act added a new section to the Act (s. 92) that mandates review of the legislation every five years. November 2017 marked the fifth anniversary of the 2012 revisions and thus the beginning of the first mandated review of the Act. This session will explore the review process and discuss the status of how individuals and groups can be involved in the review, as well as commenting on the role of previous copyright consultations in informing the Act.
Closing Remarks [4:00-4:15pm]: Adrian Sheppard, Director, Copyright Office, University of Alberta.
II. Speakers
Lisa Di Valentino
Lisa Di Valentino is a librarian, copyright scholar, and Canadian expat living in New England. Having completed her library degree, law degree, and Ph.D. at The University of Western Ontario, last year she abandoned fair dealing for fair use and is currently Law & Public Policy Librarian at the University of Massachusetts. In her spare time she does yoga and goes to rock concerts
Adrian Sheppard
Adrian Sheppard has been the Director of the University of Alberta's Copyright Office since April 2015. Prior to coming to the U of A, he spent five years as the Director, Operations, of the Graphics, Animation and New Media Network of Centres of Excellence (GRAND NCE). He has an LL.B. from the University of Victoria.
Michael McNally
Michael B. McNally is an Assistant Professor at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta. His research interests include intellectual property and its alternatives, open educational resources, rural broadband policy and government information policy. He is a Research Fellow of the Van Horne Institute. He has participated in policy consultations held through the House of Commons, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and Innovation, Science and Economic Development. Michael has a PhD and MLIS from the University of Western Ontario.
Chris George
Chris is president of CG&A COMMUNICATIONS, a public relations firm established in 1994. He is a communications strategist who provides tactical advice, management and communications support services for advocacy campaigns and issue management initiatives.
Since 2001, Chris has served the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) providing counsel and services to assist provincial and territorial ministers' advocacy efforts with the federal government's copyright reform process. In this position, he is responsible for both CMEC's government-to-government strategy and its partnerships with national education organizations.
Prior to owning the public relations business, Chris spent over seven years on Parliament Hill on staff with Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament. He has served in senior managerial positions in campaigns at every level of government.
Today, Chris resides in Almonte (near Ottawa), with his wife and business partner, and their two sons. He is an avid reader and cyclist.
III. Register
These sessions are free, but we are asking attendees to register so we can better predict numbers. The registration form is here.