University Appeal Bodies
GFC Academic Appeals Committee (GFC AAC)
GFC has established the General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee (GFC AAC). The GFC AAC hears and determines appeals from students against decisions of Faculties affecting academic standing at the University. The Committee shall have no jurisdiction to hear an appeal until the student has exhausted all procedures and appeals available within the Faculty.
The GFC AAC panel consists of three members: one Faculty member who serves as Chair, one Faculty member, and one Student-at-large member.
GFC Practice Review Board (GFC PRB)
The GFC PRB shall hear and determine appeals from Students who have been subject to a Practicum Intervention and who have exercised a right of appeal to a Faculty Practice Review Committee (FPRC).
The GFC PRB may confirm, reverse or vary the decision under appeal, including establishing conditions for entry, continuation or re-entry to the Practicum; vary any terms or conditions previously imposed by the Dean or the FPRC.
The GFC PRB panel consists of five members: one Faculty member as Chair from the panel of Chairs of the GFC AAC or UAB; one practitioner from the discipline or field relevant to the appeal selected by the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) in consultation with the Vice-Provost and Dean of Students; one Faculty member from the relevant Faculty's AAC (which Faculty member shall not have sat on the FPRC below); and two Students-at-large of the GFC AAC or UAB.
Student Misconduct Appeal Roster (Appeal Panel)
The Appeal Panel, as a delegate of the General Faculties Council and the Board of Governors, hears and determines appeals made by complainants or complainant respondents after receiving a final decision of a Student Conduct Officer in relation to the Student Conduct Policy.
The Appeal Panel consists of three members: one Faculty Member who serves as Chair and two Students-at-large.
University Appeal Board (UAB)
The UAB, as delegate of General Faculties Council and the Board of Governors, has authority to determine whether or not an offence has been committed and to confirm, vary or quash sanctions imposed under the Code of Student Behaviour or the Code of Applicant Behaviour.
The UAB panel consists of three members: one Faculty Member who serves as Chair and two Students-at-large.
For assistance with your appeal, contact:
Appeals and Compliance Coordinator:
For more information about contacting Judiciary Governance, please see our Contact Us page.