New book edited by Dr. Beverly Lemire titled Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America: Material Culture in Motion, c. 1780-1980
8 January 2021
Beverly Lemire, Laura Peers and Anne Whitelaw, eds., Object Lives and Global Histories in
Northern North America: Material Culture in Motion, c. 1780-1980 (Montreal: McGill-Queens
University Press, 2021).
This new volume arises from a collaborative study (2014-18) funded by a SSHRC Partnership
Development Grant based in our department, with partner institutions the McCord Museum in
Montreal and the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. Through close, collaborative study, local and
distant colleagues explored the power of objects, with Indigenous creation and resistance,
amidst colonial and imperial purposes. This gives nuance to global and imperial histories.
Indigenous and non-Indigenous contributors re-envision the histories of northern North
America by focusing on the lives of things flowing to and from this vast region, showing how
material culture is a critical link tying this diverse landscape to the wider world.
You can find the publication here.