“'Subtle - Shining Secrecies:' A Copy of Horace Once Owned by Shakespeare and Others"
17 October 2022
Join us on October 31 from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm in Tory 1-103 for “'Subtle - Shining Secrecies:' A Copy of Horace Once Owned by Shakespeare and Others" presented by Dr. Robert Weir!
Scholars of Shakespeare have long known that he read widely and was inspired by what he had read. It is reasonable to suppose that a book once owned and annotated by Shakespeare would come to light eventually. Such a discovery has now happened for the first time since scholars started looking in the late 18th century. The book in question resides in a private, Canadian collection and is a 1575, Latin edition of the complete works of the poet Horace.
This presentation will lay out the methodology for arriving at this unique and startling attribution of Shakespearean ownership, as well as the reception of Horace by the book’s other owners over the centuries.