Teaching Remotely - Technology
Best Practices for Working Remotely
Commonly Asked Questions
What do I need to consider to get my course online quickly?
UAlberta’s Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has assembled a guide to assist you through this transition: Support for Remote Teaching
How can I record my lecture?
The following article provides an overview of available tools for recording lectures: Lecture Recording Overview.
How do I add a lecture to eClass?
If you have uploaded your lecture to Google Drive, this article shows instructors how to quickly embed Google Drive files, including videos, into their eClass courses.
How can I keep in contact with students?
eClass can be used for course announcements and to create discussion forums for posting. You can also set up a Google Meet for synchronous communication (eg. online office hours).
How can I distribute course materials?
How do I create an online assignment?
This article outlines how instructors can create student assignments in eClass.
How do I create an online quiz or exam?
This article shows how instructors can deliver small-stakes unproctored quizzes or full online exams in eClass.
How do I submit grades?
You can set up your Gradebook in eClass to securely deliver student grades as well as export your grades to Bear Tracks.