Congratulations to the newest Faculty Awards recipients! (Back to front, left to right): Jim Denison, Craig Steinback, Kerry Courneya, Marina Leyderman, Greg Lembke and Amber Mosewich; not in picture: Katie Davies, John Dunn and Len Vickery
Faculty Recognition
Congratulations to the newest Faculty Awards recipients!
- Faculty Award for Sessional Teaching: Katie Davies
- Faculty Award for Early Career Undergraduate Teaching: Amber Mosewich
- Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching: John Dunn
- Faculty Award for Graduate Teaching: Jim Denison
- Faculty Award for Early Career Research: Craig Steinback
- Faculty Award for Research: Kerry Courneya
- Academic Professional Officer and Faculty Services Officer Recognition Award: Greg Lembke
- Support Staff Recognition Award:Marina Leyderman
- Clare Drake University of Alberta Coach of the Year Award: Len Vickery
Staff Recognition
Kim Curtin (post-doctoral fellow): 2019 NIRSA Research Grant for the PAWS for Wellness program. Kim and project partner Avneet Hayer (Wellness Coordinator, CCR) are examining a physical activity and wellness series for international student mental and physical wellness. Through PAWS for Wellness, they will evaluate the efficacy of recreation programming that addresses the unique barriers of international students. The potential results may inform best practices in establishing evidence-based programming for this unique student population.
Student Recognition
An Nguyen (MA student): Best Long Oral Presentation at the 9th annual KSR graduate research conference, ReCon IX: Grad(uate?) School and Beyond. Presentation title: "A sharing of history and reflections on Vietnamese settler colonialism."
Alumni Recognition
Kellie Willie ('08 BPE, '11 BScN): 2019 University of Alberta Alumni Horizon Award recipient. Kellie received an Alumni Horizon Award for creating a wellness community for pre- and postnatal women. READ MORE
Congratulations to the 2019 University of Alberta Sports Wall of Fame inductees!
- Sean Chursinoff ('91 BEd)
- Jane Cox Kolodnicki ('91 BEd)
- Serge Lajoie ('93 BEd, '11 MA)
- Golden Bears Wrestling ('69 - '72)
Six Golden Bears and Pandas Alumni were inducted into the new Canada West Hall of Fame:
- Gino Fracas (Builder Category: Wrestling and football, 1960-1968)
- Brian Fryer (Student-Athlete Category: Football, 1972-1975)
- Janine Helland (Student-Athlete, Coach and Builder Categories: Soccer, 1988-1992; '93 BPE)
- Stu Robbins (Coach Category: Soccer, 1964-1974)
- Val Schneider (Builder Category: Football, 1963-1968)
- Helen Wright (Coach Category: Founder and first head coach of the Pandas rugby team, 1999-2003)