American Sign Language courses

- Interested in learning a language in another modality -- visual-spatial?
- Looking for a fun and engaging course to fill your Language-other-than-English (LOE) requirement or an elective?
- Looking for a major in ASL (in combination with another language)? Take ASL!
American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most popular foreign language, leading third in language course enrolments in post-secondary institutions in the U.S. after Spanish and French, according to Modern Language Association (2016).
General Undergraduate questions can be directed to
The most current Course Listing is available in Bear Tracks. Need help? Visit for more information.
The Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies has been proudly offering courses in American Sign Language for over 20 years. On average, we offer 10 introductory (100-level) courses per year. Unfortunately, due to the retirement of the intermediate-level instructor has meant that we cannot offer 200-level courses in the upcoming academic year. For equity purposes, we hire only Deaf instructors and therefore plan to conduct a national search for a replacement so that those courses can be offered again starting in the 2023–2024 academic year.
We are committed to ASL teaching at the University of Alberta and to the enrichment of the Faculty of Arts through the Deaf culture, language, and community.