Graduate Journals

Connections: A Journal of Language, Media, and Culture

Connections is an annual academic publication led by the graduate students from the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta. Established in 2019, this journal seeks to showcase innovative and interdisciplinary research that either challenges or reimagines normative approaches to applied linguistics, translation, comparative literature, media, and cross-cultural studies. Connections is committed to elevating the scholarly and creative voices of students engaged in research that crosses geographical, disciplinary, and political boundaries. Ultimately, this publication calls on authors to map the connections, wherever they may be.

Editorial team:
  • Editor-in-Chief: Megan Perram, PhD Student
  • Editor of Translation and Mixed Methods Linguistics: Kerry Sluchinski, PhD Candidate
  • Editor of Applied Linguistics: Richard Feddersen, PhD Candidate
  • Editor of Transnational and Comparative Literature: Malou Brouwer, PhD Student
  • Editor of Media and Culture: Glenna Schowalter, MA Student
  • Editor of Art and Creation: Jonathan Garfinkel, PhD Student

Multilingual Discourses

Multilingual Discourses is a peer-reviewed journal established in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies to support a multidisciplinary research exchange among graduate students in different areas, such as cultural studies, linguistics, literature, translation, and more.

Check out the current issue: Diverse Dialogues


Inquire is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal of Comparative Literature by graduate students in the Comparative Literature program at the University of Alberta that serves the intellectual and professional interests of an international community of students, teachers and scholars.