Logan Mahoney

Name: Logan Mahoney
Bachelor of Arts Honors in Spanish
If you were a superhero, who would it be? If you had a super power, what would it be?
I think I would like to be able to teleport so I could see as much of the world as possible.
What inspired you to become an Honors student in MLCS?
I was excited by the opportunity to get more out of my time in University, and experience conducting research in the community that I was able to write my honors thesis on.
What is the best thing about being an Honors student in MLCS?
I think the honors program is great for students who want to explore further within their academic or professional interests and aspirations then learn how to conduct and present their research.
Cause(s) you care about.
I passionately believe that everybody should have access to quality universal healthcare and education. I hope to use my education in Modern Languages and Cultural Studies to work with a global population in the non-profit or NGO sector.
Tell us about a topic you are excited to do research about (e.g., your current Honors thesis).
In my thesis I discussed a research project I completed that looked at organizations who work with newcomer populations such as immigrants and refugees to learn how translation and interpretation is utilized to provide their services. The final product was created through ArcGIS storymaps to create a series of maps and a database of all organizations researched. The link to the project is https://arcg.is/1inj4O0.
Any (survival) tip(s) you would like to share with new or prospective MLCS Honors students?
I would say accept any additional opportunities offered to you. It might seem overwhelming, but extracurricular, academic and volunteer opportunities in university are incredibly valuable and will enhance your experience.
The first thing you plan do after graduating or, if you have already graduated, tell us what you are doing now.
The first thing I did after I graduated was travel to Guatemala to do a motorcycle trip. Definitely nice to do something like that before I settle in to some full time work.