Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the more frequently asked questions about the BScN-Honors Program.
Students in the second year of the four-Year BScN Collaborative Program can apply to the Honors Program. After Degree students must apply directly to the After Degree Honors Program prior to the start of the first year of the After Degree Program. Students studying at other Collaborative sites are not eligible.
Current After Degree students cannot apply to the After Degree Honors Program. Students with a non-nursing undergraduate degree from another university who want to join the Honors Program have to apply directly to the After Degree Honors Program when they apply for admission.
- Contact the Nursing academic advisors through your student portal, who will provide you with a form that will allow the Honors coordinator to evaluate whether the Honors program is a good option for you. The Honors coordinator, Dr. Hannah O'Rourke, may contact you and follow up with a couple of questions.
- You will be asked to submit the Special Programs form in order to access the Honors Program application form. Complete and submit the application by the application deadline of March 1. Once you have submitted your application, please check your application status in Launchpad. If you meet the admission requirements, you will be offered admission with conditions and will need to change your program from Collaborative to Collaborative Honors in Bear Tracks. Then register for your courses according to the Honors Registration Tip sheet. With the help of the Honors coordinator, you will also identify a supervisor.
- Final admission will be offered once the final transcript is evaluated and you've maintained the admission GPA.
The BScN – Honors Degree is a distinct program and you will have BScN-Honors on your Baccalaureate Parchment. The Honors Degree contains all of the core theoretical and clinical courses but includes a special focus on extended learning about nursing knowledge development and engagement in team-based Honors research activities.
There are an additional nine credits in the Honors BScN compared to the Collaborative BScN. There are two Honors courses - NURS 399 and NURS 499, weighted for three and six credits. The Honors research activities are a part of the NURS 499 course and are completed from years 3-4 in the Collab program (by the end of Aug of year 3). Research activities typically include onsite work in Edmonton during spring/ summer between years 3 to 4.
After Degree students will complete NURS 399 in their first year, complete their research project by the end of Aug of year 1, and complete NURS 499 in fall of Year 2. The Honors courses are extra to the standard After Degree program. Research activities typically include onsite work in Edmonton during spring/ summer between years 1 to 2.
- Collaborative program students
- You need to have an average GPA of 3.3 (a grade of B+) in the last 24 credits of your program in year 2.
- After Degree Honors Program
- Applicants must have a competitive GPA in their prior degree and must have completed the following prerequisite courses: English (★3), Human Anatomy (★3), Human Physiology (★3), Medical Microbiology (★3), and Statistics (★3). Applications are competitive.
Honors Program Students must maintain A GPA of 3.0 throughout their program. Most Honors students say that the organization required to complete their work helps improve their grades overall!
If you find that the Honors Program is not the right match for you, you can request a change of program status through the student advisor. This will require that you formally reapply for admission to the BScN Collaborative program. If admitted, the credits completed would go toward your Collaborative BScN program.
No, all Honors Program requirements are designed to be completed within the standard four-year BScN Collaborative Degree Program or two years for the After Degree Program. Research activities typically include onsite work in Edmonton during one spring/ summer term (although you may not be registered in any spring/ summer courses). Collaborative students need to be able to work on the Honors research project during the spring/ summer between Year 3 and 4 in their program. After Degree students need to be able to work on their research project between Year 1 and 2, including during the month of August. Hybrid options may be available, but cannot be guaranteed. Please reach out to the honors coordinator prior to applying to the program if you have concerns about your ability to work with your Honors supervisor onsite.
The two Honors seminar courses are a mixture of discussion and practical activities. They are not lecture-based, and students need to come ready to engage actively in learning. Student groups determine learning needs and strategies to achieve learning goals. In NURS 399, we focus on a variety of research skills to prepare you for your Honors research activities. The focus of NURS 499 is advancing knowledge in specific areas of nursing practice and research, writing a report and presenting about their Honors research activities.
Clinical time is protected as much as possible, depending on course configuration. Students are supported in attending scholarly events such as our local conferences as attendees or presenters and this may replace clinical time with the support of the clinical instructors.
No, each student has the opportunity to set learning goals and challenge themselves.
- You will have diverse skills that set you apart from other BScN graduates. Employers want nurses who have demonstrated the capacity to extend their knowledge and skills in a wide range of competencies in evidence-informed practice, project work and presentation/writing skills.
- Honors is a safe way to see if you like to research and whether you would enjoy graduate studies or an academic career. It consists of two courses and engagement within a rich research environment with your supervisor and their team– ample opportunity to see if a longer graduate program is for you.
- Graduates have a huge feeling of accomplishment – completing their own research activities, and contributing to a larger program of research. Some students will have the opportunity to lead or co-author scientific presentations or papers. This is excellent preparation for graduate school.
- Your competitiveness is exponentially increased because you have actual research experience, presentation experience and opportunities to work toward co-authored publications. If you imagine your future career including leadership in clinical practice, education or administration, you will need graduate school at some stage.
- The Honors Program is a significant launching pad for your success. You will be eligible for a range of grants and awards to fund and support your research, and it looks great for your résumé.
- Reduce time spent in Graduate School. Honors helps you complete the Fast-track to PhD program – just one year in Master’s and then transferring into the PhD Program.
- Honors is an opportunity to ask hard questions and think deeply about how to respond. These questions have great importance for patient care and nursing practice.
Students engage in a wide variety of research activities, depending on their interests and match with a supervisor. Students may work in pairs or groups of 3 honors students, or with other trainees at masters, doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
Learn more about research conducted by current and past honors students »
As an Honors student, you are in a mentored relationship. Your supervisor supports you throughout your project. This is what one Honors student commented about the experience:
“I was a beginner at research, and the great part about being in the Honors program is that you have so much support and mentorship: your supervisor and their team (which can include graduate students, other undergraduate students or other faculty members), your supervisor's network, your Honors instructor, and your fellow classmates. This support network truly facilitates learning, and everyone recognizes that you are an undergraduate and don't have a lot of experience.”
Honors students do not find their own supervisors. The Honors coordinator will use your application to assess your areas of interest and will also ask you to review faculty profiles to indicate your top 3 selections (after you have been admitted to the program). Please note that not all faculty will have capacity to supervise honors students in a particular year, and that it is not always possible to match a student with one of their top 3 selections. The Honors program is a unique opportunity to explore new topic areas and methods within the context of a rich nursing research experience.
This Oct. 31, 2022 session reviewed ways to be involved in research and will be updated in fall 2024.
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