Yazid Al Hamarneh

Assistant Professor
Scientific Officer of Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit
Associate Director, Epicore Centre
BSc Pharmacy, University of Jordan
PhD, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Queen’s University, Belfast
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Cardiology and Research Methods, University of Alberta
Contact Information:
Office: 3-62 Heritage Medical Research Centre
Tel: 780.492.9608
Teaching: PMCOL 404
Research: Health services research with a special focus on chronic disease (particularly cardiovascular disease and its risk factors) management in the community
Research Interests / Laboratory Techniques
Chronic disease prevention and management with special interest in cardiovascular disease and pharmacy practice. This research involves focusing on prevention, increasing awareness, improving control and management of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors as well as making the paradigm shift in pharmacy practice to focus on patient-centered care
Selected Recent Publications
Goswami S, Rosenthal M, Nair S, Inguva S, Al Hamarneh YN, Tsuyuki RT. Retroactive application of the EPIS framework to promote future implementation success in community pharmacy clinical interventions. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2022, ISSN 1544-3191
Lee DH, Watson KE, Al Hamarneh YN. Impact of COVID-19 on frontline pharmacists’ roles and services in Canada: The INSPIRE Survey. Canadian Pharmacists Journal. 2021; 154:368-373
Al Hamarneh YN, Marra Carlo, Gniadecki R, Keeling S, Morgan A, Tsuyuki, R. RxIALTA: Evaluating the Effect of a Pharmacist-Led Intervention on CV Risk in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Diseases in a Community Pharmacy Setting. A Prospective Pre-Post-Intervention Study. BMJ Open 2021;11:e043612. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043612. First published March 24, 2021.
Al Hamarneh YN, Okada H, Tsuyuki RT. Real world implementation of diabetes management by pharmacists: The RXING Practice Tool. Can Pharm J 2021;154(3):160-165. DOI: 10.1177/17151635211004964. First published April 23, 2021.
KE Watson, Al Hamarneh YN, Tsuyuki RT. Hypertension Canada’s 2020 hypertension guidelines for pharmacists: An update. Can Pharm J 2021;154(1):19-25. DOI: 10.1177/1715163520975809. First published December 10, 2020.
Al Hamarneh YN, Johnston K, Marra C, Tsuyuki RT. Pharmacist prescribing and care improves cardiovascular risk, but is it cost-effective? A cost-effectiveness analysis of the RxEACH study. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 2019, 152: 257-266
Al Hamarneh YN, Lamb S, Donald M, Hemmelgarn B, King Shier K, Jones CA, Mitchell C, Tsuyuki RT. Pharmacist prescribing and care improves cardiovascular risk, but what do patients think? A substudy of the RxEACH study. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 2018, 151: 223-227
Al Hamarneh YN, Tsuyuki RT, Jones CA, Manns B, Tonelli M, Scott-Douglas N, Jindal K, Tink W, Hemmelgarn BR. “Effectiveness of Pharmacist Interventions on Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With CKD: A Subgroup Analysis of the Randomized Controlled RxEACH Trial”. American Journal of Kidney Disease. American Journal of Kidney Disease. 2018, 71:42-51
Al Hamarneh YN, Siemens RL, Townsend KJ. “Top 10 Things Pharmacists Should Consider When They Interact with Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Canadian Journal of Diabetes”, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2017, 41: 567-570.
Tsuyuki RT, Al Hamarneh YN, Jones CA, Hemmelgarn BR, “The effectiveness of pharmacist intervention on cardiovascular risk. The multicenter randomized controlled RxEACH trial”, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016, 67:2846-2854