Michael Zaugg
Dr Michael Zaugg 
Adjunct Professor
eMBA-Health Care Management/Hospital Finance-Alberta School of Business, 2011
FRCPC (Ottawa, Canada), 2008
Basic Science Fellowship-Cell Biology and Cardiovascular Physiology, State University of New York, 1997
MD-University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland), 1989
Contact Information:
Recent Press Release:
Novel lipid emulsion "Vegaven": www.einpresswire.com/article/610793375
Teaching: PMCOL 415/515; PMCOL 425; PMCOL 402
Research: My research is focused on two main areas (a) mechanisms of organ protection against ischemia reperfusion injury in health and disease and (b) nutrition, metabolism, and health
Research Interests / Laboratory Techniques:
Research in the Zaugg lab is translational in nature. Organ injuries and infections in the critically ill patient or in patients with comorbidities (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, inflammatory disorders) undergoing surgery are a major concern for the perioperative physician. Our translational research projects in animal models and in patients investigate the mechanisms underlying novel therapies of organ protection from ischemia/reperfusion injury and from inflammatory diseases.
Selected Recent Publications:
1. Lucchinetti E, Lou PH, Holtzhauer G, Noureddine N, Wawrzyniak P, Hartling I, Lee M, Strachan E, Clemente-Casares X, Tsai S, Rogler G, Krämer SD, Hersberger M, Zaugg M. Novel lipid emulsion for total parenteral nutrition based on 18-carbon n-3 fatty acids elicits a superior immunometabolic phenotype in the murine model compared to standard lipid emulsions. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022 Sep 27:nqac272. PMID: 36166844
2. Gueguen E, Morsy Y, Scharl M, Krämer SD, Zaugg M, Hersberger M, Rogler G, Wawrzyniak M. Endothelial Barrier Disruption by Lipid Emulsions Containing a High Amount of N3 Fatty Acids (Omegaven) but Not N6 Fatty Acids (Intralipid). Cells. 2022;11(14):2202. PMID: 35883643
3. Noureddine N, Hartling I, Wawrzyniak P, Srikanthan P, Lou PH, Lucchinetti E, Krämer SD, Rogler G, Zaugg M, Hersberger M. Lipid emulsion rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids elicits a pro-resolution lipid mediator profile in mouse tissues and in human immune cells. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022;116(3):786-797. PMID: 35849016
4. Lucchinetti E, Lou PH, Lemal P, Bestmann L, Hersberger M, Rogler G, Krämer SD, Zaugg M. Gut microbiome and circulating bacterial DNA ("blood microbiome") in a mouse model of total parenteral nutrition: Evidence of two distinct separate microbiotic compartments. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2022 Jun;49:278-288. PMID: 35623826
5. Devereaux PJ and POISE-3 Investigators. Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery.N Engl J Med. 2022;386(21):1986-1997. PMID: 35363452
6. I Hartling, A Cremonesi, E Osuna, PH Lou, E Lucchinetti, M Zaugg, M Hersberger. Quantitative profiling of inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediators in human adolescents and mouse plasma using UHPLC-MS/MS. Clin Chem Lab Med 2021;59(11): 1811-1823. PMID: 34243224
7. PH Lou, E Lucchinetti, P Wawrzyniak, Y Morsy, M Wawrzyniak, M Scharl, SD Krämer, G Rogler, M Hersberger, M Zaugg. Choice of Lipid Emulsion Determines Inflammation of the Gut‐Liver Axis, Incretin Profile, and Insulin Signaling in a Murine Model of Total Parenteral Nutrition. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2021;65(5):2000412. PMID: 32729969
8. E Lucchinetti, PH Lou, M Hersberger, AS Clanachan, M Zaugg. Diabetic Rat Hearts Show More Favorable Metabolic Adaptation to Omegaven Containing High Amounts of n3 Fatty Acids Than Intralipid Containing n6 Fatty Acids. Anesth Analg. 2020;131(3): 943-954. PMID: 32398434
9. T Gutiérrez, H Qi, MC Yap, N Tahbaz, LA Milburn, E Lucchinetti, PH Lou, M Zaugg, PG LaPointe, P Mercier, M Overduin, H Bischof, S Burgstaller, R Malli, K Ballanyi, J Shuai, T Simmen. The ER chaperone calnexin controls mitochondrial positioning and respiration. Sci Signal. 2020;13(638). PMID: 32606038
10. Lou PH, Lucchinetti E, Hersberger M, Clanachan AS, Zaugg M. Lipid Emulsion Containing High Amounts of n3 Fatty Acids (Omegaven) as Opposed to n6 Fatty Acids (Intralipid) Preserves Insulin Signaling and Glucose Uptake in Perfused Rat Hearts. Anesth Analg. 2020;130(1), 37-48. PMID: 31274599
11. Lucchinetti E, Lou PH, Hatami S, Qi X, Clanachan AS, Freed DH, Zaugg M. Enhanced myocardial protection in cardiac donation after circulatory death using Intralipid® postconditioning in a porcine model. Can J Anaesth. 2019 66(6):672-685. PMID: 30790198
12. Lucchinetti E, Lou PH, Gandhi M, Clanachan AS, Zaugg M. Differential Effects of Anesthetics and Opioid Receptor Activation on Cardioprotection Elicited by Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Postconditioning in Sprague-Dawley Rat Hearts. Anesth Analg. 2018;126(5):1739-1746. PMID: 29256935
Laboratory Members: