EXSPH 2207 Evaluation in the Community Context
Spring session | JUne 5 - 9, 2023
Offered by MA in Community Engagement, University of Alberta
Audience - Community stakeholders, Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) learners
Course Description
Introduction to the basics of evaluation, including the foundations, approaches, steps, strategies, and ethical considerations of evaluation, with an application across diverse disciplines (e.g., health care, community development, government, not-for-profit). During a week-long intensive course, community stakeholders and CPE learners will work together with graduate students and undergraduate students. Students will work through case studies (project-based curricula) to develop evaluative responses to community-informed issues.
Delivery Format and Resources
Pre-course online modules
May 1 - June 2, 2023
Synchronous online sessions
Monday, June 5, 2023 – Friday, June 9, 2023
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
This course includes 4 online modules that students will be required to complete prior to the start of the online synchronous session on June 5, 2023. The synchronous session is a one week intensive (June 5 - 9, 2023). There are no prerequisites for this course and this course is open to all community stakeholders and CPE learners. After the completion of the week-long intensive course, students will be required to submit a completed evaluation plan as a team. There is no examination in this course.
Materials will include a reading package. Online articles and reference to relevant websites will be provided in the syllabus on the eClass site.
- Click on “Proceed to Select your courses”
- In the Subject drop down menu select “CE - School of Public Health (EXSPH)”
- Click the green “Search” button
- Register for EXSPH 2207 Evaluation in the community context
For more information contact ecninfo@ualberta.ca.