The awards of the 2020 Celebration of Excellence in Teaching and Research, an annual tradition that honours our exceptional faculty and staff. Photo credit: Dawn Graves
Each year, the Faculty of Science honours our exceptional faculty and staff at the Celebration of Excellence in Teaching and Research.
In most years, we gather together in the spring to recognize the contributions of our award winners and the work that our entire community does to make the Faculty of Science a world-class place to learn, teach, and conduct research. While 2020 prevented us from celebrating in person, the Faculty of Science is pleased to acknowledge our 2020 award winners virtually.
“Together, as a community of leaders, we are committed to engaging our students, understanding the past, and shaping the future—a commitment that is embodied by this year’s award winners," said Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell, dean of the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Science.
The hard work of the 2020 award recipients and of the entire Faculty of Science community is in pursuit of our mission of conducting world-leading research and the authentic teaching and training of the next generation of scientists. “After all, they are the pipeline of discovery, innovation, and talent that will make our world a better place, foster our community, and fuel the economy in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and beyond,” added Kalcounis-Rueppell.
Please join us congratulating the 2020 award recipients on their embodiment of the Faculty of Science’s core values.

Excellent Teaching - Brendan Pass
Brendan Pass, assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, received the Excellence in Teaching, chosen for demonstrating outstanding qualities in teaching.
Pass is known by students for his ability to connect mathematical concepts to the real world, such that complex concepts have meaning in application. Pass has taught courses ranging from the introductory to the 400-level, and his teaching style resonates with students of all levels of ability and interest. His support of students and extensive communication with them help to build their confidence and their inspiration to learn.

Graduate Student Mentorship - Kurt O. Konhauser
Kurt Konhauser, professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, received the Graduate Mentoring Award, chosen for demonstrating outstanding qualities in graduate student mentorship.
Konhauser was the recipient of the 2019 McCalla Professorship, an award issued by the University of Alberta to support outstanding academics who contribute to the integration of teaching and research, as well as educational leadership. In August 2019, Konhauser was named a fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the largest geological organization in the world, in recognition for his visionary leadership and scientific excellence in the field of earth science.

Excellence in Teaching Large Classes - Melis Gedik
Melis Gedik, instructor in the Department of Chemistry, received the Kathleen W. Klawe Prize for Excellence in Teaching of Large Classes, chosen for outstanding instruction of a large class. Gedik teaches large-enrolment introductory chemistry courses with 200 to 400 students. Gediks’s classes are recognized by students for their accommodation of different learning styles and for the many different resources available to engage students in learning. Gedik works to build community inside her large classes and to foster a supportive and safe large-class environment for students to learn and ask questions.

Research Award - Joseph Maciejko
Joseph Maciejko, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Canada Research Chair in Condensed Matter Theory, received the Research Award, in recognition of outstanding contributions in research.
In 2018, Maciejko won the Faculty of Science Student's Choice Award, a student-selected teaching award for his work as an instructor for two graduate courses and a fourth-year undergraduate course on quantum mechanics. Maciejko is also an instrumental member of UAlberta's Theoretical Physics Institute. The institute connects physicists and mathematicians from the University of Alberta.

Service Award - Steven H. Bergens
Steven Bergens, professor in the Department of Chemistry, received a Service Award in recognition of outstanding service to the Faculty of Science.
Bergens’s research as part of the mulit-disciplinary Future Energy Systems (FES) initiative provides the motivation and the mechanism for extensive outreach to the public, politicians, policy makers, and students. Bergens has opened his laboratory to many campus visitors, participated in panels and presentations, and has presented extensively to students in elementary, junior-high, and high schools. His outreach aims to make science and the scientific process accessible to everyone.

Service Award - Melissa Dhillon
Melissa Dhillon, undergraduate program administrator and acting graduate program administrator in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, received a Service Award, in recognition of outstanding service to the Faculty of Science. Learn more about Dhillon and her work in the department. Dhillon’s work as Undergraduate Program Administrator and acting Graduate Program Administrator supports students at all levels in the department. Her efficiency and creativity in organizing the work in these varied roles has added to her success.

Innovative Teaching - Shawn Desaulniers
Shawn Desaulniers, instructor in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, received the Innovation in Teaching Award, chosen for demonstrating innovation in teaching. Learn more about Desaulniers and his teaching expertise. Desaulniers’s initiatives within the department and within his teaching and outreach are varied and extensive. He has worked within the first-year offerings, restructuring MATH 160 into a blended offering, improving online assessments, and developing open-source resources. He has organized and delivered instructor training programs. Desaulniers is also the Indigenous Outreach Coordinator and has been actively involved with Indigenous communities, where his work includes initiating a number of math programs for Indigenous youth.