The Environment

How do fertilizers and pesticides affect our drinking water or the food we eat? What are the chemical and physical properties of substances like asbestos or dry cleaning chemicals and what are the health implications? The "Go Green" movement has put chemistry at the centre of environmental research and a background in this field is an excellent foundation for an environmental career. |

Ecology (Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology)
The study of Ecology provides an understanding of organisms and their relationships with each other and their surrounding environment. When we understand ecology we can find better ways to use the earth's resources and in-turn reduce the negative impacts of human activity on the environment. Ecologists understand the domino effect when animal populations are over-hunted or when pesticides and insects are accidentally introduced to new environments. |

This program examines how human behavior and activities affect our environment, both globally and locally. This is extremely important considering the impact of global warming and other environmental concerns we face today. |

Examine the planet Earth- the materials of which it is made, the processes which affect these materials and the origin and evolution of life. Our Geology degree is certified by APEGGA and you will participate in a number of field placements as part of your education. Field placements give important hands on training to supplement the knowledge taught in classrooms. |

Geophysics is the non-invasive investigation of conditions below the earth's structure. Geophysicists can locate underground storage tanks, delineate landfills and help with archaeological excavations. Our professors are using Geophysics to investigate several environmental concerns. They are for example, conducting environmental assessments on nuclear test sites, studying the effects of climate change on Arctic sea ice and using environmental magnetism to improve our understanding of past global change. |