Eva-Maria Muller
Eva-Maria Muller
"The answers you get from literature depend upon the questions you pose." (Margaret Atwood)
I am fascinated by what literary texts reveal about societies and their culture if one is able to formulate the right questions and look for possible answers. I find it incredibly important to interpret literary pieces of culture which is why I would like to find out what sort of values are upheld or criticized in them, what the scenes, characters, the very words chosen for narration are and what they may tell us about the world we live in. As a student within literary and cultural studies, I have learned to ask good questions and do not want to stop asking them. The fellowship at the Wirth Institute provides the time, space and resources to follow these questions and start my PhD project in postcolonial studies.
Email: evamaria@ualberta.caTelephone: +1 780 492 9095
University of Alberta
Wirth institute for Austrian and Central European Studies
Suite 300 G
Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2E6