Martina Podboj
Martina Podboj
Martina Podboj, PhD Candidate in Linguistics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
I am a PhD student of Linguistics at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. I hold a dual MA degree in Croatian and English Language and Literature from the University of Osijek, Croatia. I am generally fascinated by languages and enjoy learning (about) them. I have a 5-year long experience in teaching English for Specific Purposes at high school and college-level, and Croatian as Second and Foreign Language at university-level. During my studies I have participated in ERASMUS and CEEPUS exchange programs as a visiting student at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland and at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
My main fields of scientific interest are (critical) discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition, and I am especially intrigued by the interconnectedness of language and identity in the context of migration and language learning. In my PhD research I focus on the discursive construction of identity in narratives of personal experience told by females who emigrated from Croatia in the 2010s. I am investigating how they structure these narratives to position themselves and other social actors within the spatial, temporal, and social settings of the migrant experience. Based on linguistic devices used to construct and negotiate identity categories on the discursive level, my aim is to describe some salient characteristics of immigrant discourse.
I love Pink Floyd, nature, and animals. I have a gorgeous chubby cat called Vida. My motto is Do what you can; when you can.
E-mail: podboj@ualberta.caTelephone: 780-492-6095
University of Alberta
Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies
Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2E6