Terry Nadasdi

University address
Modern Languages
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1
Tel.: (780) 492-6777
Fax: (780) 492-9106
e-mail: terry.nadasdi@ualberta.ca

Rank: Full Professor

Research Interests

Research Projects


Variation grammaticale et langue minoritaire: Le cas des pronoms clitiques en français ontarien. 2001. Munich: LINCOM Europa.

The sociolinguistic competence of immersion students. (ms submitted). [with R. Mougeon and K. Rehner].

Refereed Articles

Le mot juste en français albertain. (2005). Cahiers franco-canadiens de l'Ouest. [with C. Keppie].

Learning to speak everyday French. (2005). The Canadian Modern Language Review 61, 4: 543-561 [with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

Contact-induced linguistic innovations on the continuum of language use: the case of French in Ontario. (2005). The Journal of Bilingualism and Cognitive Studies 8, 2: 99-115.[with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

Acquisition of the internal and external constraints of variable schwa deletion by French Immersion students. (2004). International Review of Applied Linguistics. [with R. Mougeon, K. Rehner & D. Uritescu]

Le français en Ontario (2005). Le français en Amérique du Nord. A. Valdman & J. Auger (eds.).

Deux auxiliaires qui voulaient mourir en français acadien. (2005). In P. Brasseur (ed.) Grammaire comparée des variétés de français d'Amérique. [with R. King]

Living in Ontario. (2005). Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 8, 2: 167-182.

Indexing oral narratives of personal experience: the fate of the declining Acadian French vernacular variant je-verb-ons. (2004). Language Variation and Change. 16, 3: 237-255. [with R. King and G. Butler].

Expression de la notion de "véhicule automobile " dans le parler des adolescents francophones de l'Ontario. 2004. Francophonies d'Amérique 17. 91-106. [with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

The Learning of Spoken French Variation by Immersion Students from Toronto, Canada. 2004. The Journal of Sociolinguistics 8,3: 408-432. [with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

Acquisition de la variation par les apprenants avancés du français : les élèves d'immersion. 2003. AILE 17: L'Acquisition de la variation en langue étrangère. J-M Dewaele & R. Mougeon, eds. 7-50.[with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

Back to the Future in Acadian French. 2003. Journal of French Language Studies. 13: 3. 323-337 [with R. King].

The learning of sociostylistic variation by advanced FSL learners: The case of nous versus on in immersion French. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 25 (1)[with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

Emploi du «futur» dans le français parlé des élèves d'immersion française. 2003. The Journal of French Language Studies. 13:2, 195-219. [with R. Mougeon & K. Rehner].

Etre ou ne pas être in immersion French. 2001. The Canadian Modern Language Review: 58: 2. 287-306. [with V. Knauss]

Living and working in immersion French. 2003. The Journal of French Language Studies. 13:1. 41-60. [with M. McKinnie]

Agreeing to Disagree: variable subject-verb agreement in immersion French. 2001. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 4: 1-2. 87-101 .


Valdman, A. 1997. French and Creole in Louisiana. In Language 75, 4. 825-828

Du français des Acadiens à celui des Ontariens. 1998. Francophonies d'Amérique 8. 85-98.


Expression the notion of consequence in immersion French. NWAV30, Raleigh, Oct. 11-14, 2001). [with R. Mougeon and K. Rehner].

The Acquisition of the internal and external constraints of variable schwa deletion by French Immersion students. Sociolinguistics Symposium 14, Gent, 4-6 April, 2002[with R. Mougeon, K. Rehner & D. Uritescu ].

Not Fade Away: The Fate of the Declining Vernacular Variant je VERB-ons. Third UK Conference and Linguistic Variation. Univesrity of York, England. July, 2001.

La variation sociolinguistique en immersion française. University of Windsor, January, 2001. (Invited speaker)

How Auxiliaries be/have in Acadian French, Moncton, Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association, November, 2000 [with R. King]

The Do's and Don'ts of French Immersion. University of Calgary. Dec. 1, 2000. (Invited speaker).

A sociolinguistic analysis of phonetic variation in the spoken French of immersion students, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Laval, May, 2001 [with R. Mougeon and D. Uritscu].


- CBC television, Le Téléjournal (with Kevin Sweet), Le Patron, Dec. 13, 2005

- Shaw TV (with Jennifer O'Callaghan), Neologisms in dictionaries, January 12, 2004

- CFRN TV (with Deborah Shiry), French immersion and literacy, March 23, 2004

- Access TV (with Tasha Larson), Language change, careers in linguistics, and professions that are difficult to pronounce, November 24, 1998



- Radio Europe 1, Paris, (with Benjamin Vincent), Le Patron, Dec. 21, 2005.

- CBC Radio Canada - Winnipeg (with John Fontaine), Le Patron, Dec. 19th, 2005.

- CBC Edmonton, "le café show" (with host Pierre Girard), Le Patron, December 13, 2005

- CBC, Edmonton (with journalist Marie-Claude Guay), Le Patron, December 12, 2005



-Express News, Uniiversity of Alberta (with Phoebe Day), Le Patron, Dec., 2005

- Nouvelles Saint-Jean, Le Patron (with Jacqueline Verrat)

- Edmonton Journal, City slogans, 2002

- Edmonton Journal (with Curtis Stock), Clichés in the discourses of sportscasters and atheletes, 2000

- Express News, University of Alberta, Technology in Language teaching, 2001