Chapter Volunteer Resources

Chapter Program Requirements

The Chapter Requirements document provides an overview of the minimum requirements to be an active Alumni Association Chapter, and eligible for program supports and funding.

Annual Report + Plan

Every year, we ask each Chapter to create an annual report and plan. This short document gives you the opportunity to reflect upon your past year — your events and activities, and your work as a board. We also ask you to give us an idea of what kinds of priorities you have for the upcoming year. It's a good idea to review this as a group so everyone has the opportunity to put forward their ideas. The annual plan is due by the end of August each year.

2022 Annual Report + Plan

Volunteer Code of Conduct

Our Volunteer Code of Conduct applies to all volunteers. In general, we ask you to have integrity in your work. If you have questions, or are running into issues in this area, speak to us as soon as possible.

Confidentiality Agreement

As a Chapter volunteer, you may be privy to personal information of other volunteers and alumni. This information may be necessary to fulfill the work of the chapter and can only be used for this purpose. We ask you to acknowledge and agree to the Confidentiality policy by signing a Confidentiality Agreement form annually.

Confidentiality Agreement

Activity Assistance Application

How to Apply

You can apply for funding using our online funding application form. Information you will need to fill out the application for funding assistance:

  • Name of event or activity
  • Date of event or activity
  • Amount you are applying for
  • Description of event or activity
  • What the funds will be used for
  • Your budget including income and expense estimates

The Chapter may apply for grants to a maximum of $3,000 per academic year, from September 1 to August 31.

You will receive an answer within two weeks of the application. The application form is simple to fill out — let us know if you want us to walk through it with you. If you have a separate budget, you can email it to

After the event, we encourage the Chapter to reflect upon the successes and challenges of the event.

Funding Application Form


Activity Assistance and Campus Chapters account funds are to be used for the Chapter to engage with its membership, provide activities for alumni, and to further relationships between alumni and the University.

Some guidelines:

  • You must apply for activity assistance funds well before your activity - the absolute minimum is fourteen days to allow our team to review your application. You must apply before you commit to any purchases.
  • The activity must be open to all your alumni, your students, or the public.
  • Funds may not be used for internal costs of the chapter or for personal benefit to the chapter volunteers. Examples: volunteer recognition or gifts for chapter executive members, professional development for chapter executive members, conferences, or travel.
    Note: Chapters can plan events that take place at conferences for their alumni who are attending, but we cannot use Activity Assistance funds to pay for someone's attendance fee. Chapters can plan professional development or educational activities open to all your alumni or students.
  • Sponsorship of another group’s activity might qualify if the sponsorship allows the chapter to engage with its alumni, promotes the chapter and its work, and allows the chapter to provide specific programming or activities for its alumni. Check with us early, as sponsorship would require extra information.

Sponsorship Solicitation Guidelines

If you would like to solicit sponsorships for an event or for the chapter's activities, there are some sponsorship guidelines that need to be followed. Make sure to check with your Coordinator before you contact the sponsor.