Help for Survivors
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, CALL 911, then call U of A Protective Services at 780‑492‑5050 (24hrs).
If you need to talk to someone and are safe to do so, you can call, text, or chat the Alberta One Line for Sexual Violence at 1-866-403-8000.
University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre
The University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre is still here to support you, even during COVID-19. Although we are unable to see you in our physical office right now, you can still call or email us to talk and make an appointment.
If you have experienced sexual violence, you are not alone and it is not your fault.
We are here to support you, connect you with the services that can help, and will guide you through the options that are available should you wish to disclose, issue a complaint, or report your experience.
Your First Steps
Individual reactions to sexual violence will differ greatly, and a person's decision about how to respond to an experience of sexual violence may change over time. And that’s okay. If you have experienced sexual violence, we recommend that you:

Acknowledge what happened.
As a survivor it can be difficult to acknowledge what has happened. Too often sexual violence can be written off as “not being that bad” or seeming like a miscommunication. Please know that what has happened is not your fault. What happened was not okay. But do acknowledge for yourself that it happened and you did not deserve it.

Share with someone you trust.
This may seem scary, but there are individuals who care about you and who you can trust. When deciding who to disclose to, it can be helpful to consider who in your life listens to you without judgement, and makes you feel better after you talk. When you are ready, you may consider speaking with a friend, family member, student services staff member, colleague, supervisor, department staff member, and/or spiritual leader. Let them know what you need.

Seek medical attention.
Whether you have obvious physical injuries or not, you are always able to seek medical assistance following a sexual assault. If you are doing so within 7 days of an experience, you might consider reaching out to the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) by going to any emergency room in the City. Seeking medical attention may prove useful if you decide to make a formal complaint, but does not mean that you must file a complaint or police report. Filing a complaint or police report is still your choice to do or not do.

Reach out for support.
The team at the Sexual Assault Centre is here to help you. They are ready to hear your story and can let you know about the various services that you can access to help you through this difficult time. They can also attend medical appointments with you and can point you towards the external community supports that may best fit your needs.
The University also has a number of additional services that you may want to contact, including the U of A’s Counselling and Clinical Services, the Augustana Personal Counselling Centre, the Interfaith Chaplains Association, and/or Employee Family Assistance Program.
How We Can Help
No matter who, what, how, or when, we are here to help you. With your consent, we can help you make the connections you need to access: