The TESL Program emphasizes the importance of helping teachers understand both instructional and research principles to assist them in adapting to the changing face of ESL. We provide professional development to both pre-service and experienced teachers. We facilitate professional development by introducing our students to current research and theoretical models, by helping them understand how to ask questions about the interactions they observe in their classrooms, and by exploring the possible ways in which those questions might be addressed. Graduate students are often supported to work on research projects with TESL professors. The faculty and adjuncts in the TESL program are active researchers who have ongoing contact within classrooms and within the TESL community. Their work is published in refereed journals such as Applied Linguistics, Canadian Modern Language Review, TESL Canada Journal, Language Learning, Language Testing, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, TESOL JournalTESOL Quarterly and The Modern Language Journal.

Post Undergraduate TESL Diploma Program

This program is a face-to-face (not online) post undergraduate program that can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Those students who begin in September and attend full time may complete the program in approximately 8 months. A total of four years are allowed to complete the program. Students are strongly recommended to volunteer at an ESL program while registered in the program. Students must register at least once each September to April period to keep their programs active.
Program Requirements

A total of 24 credits are required for the TESL diploma (equivalent to eight 3-credit courses). Students who have taken some of the required courses as part of another degree or credential will be able to replace them with options in order to complete the 24 credits. A minimum of 4 three-credit courses must be completed while registered in the diploma.

Pre- or Co-Requisite

  • LING 101 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis. Students must pass LING 101 before continuing in the program (or it can be taken in the first term of the program). Please note that LING 100 does not fulfill this requirement.

Required Courses

  • EDPY 416 Introduction to TESL (pre/co-requisite LING 101)
  • EDPY 417 Grammar of English for Teachers of Adult ESL
  • EDPY 418 Methodology in the Teaching of English as a Second Language to Adults
  • EDPY 419 TESL Supervised Practicum (Program Plan A) or EDPY 497 TESL Field Observation (Program Plan B)
  • A 3-credit language course (e.g., Spanish, Japanese, etc.) If the applicant is a non-native speaker of English, this requirement will be waived and the course will be replaced by a TESL-approved option.
  • Three program-approved options (consult the TESL Diploma Student Handbook.)

* Note: If students are unable to register for a course on Bear Tracks, please contact submit a request through the Student Service Portal

Master's Program 


This program is a course-based Master's program that can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Please note the program is face-to-face and because it is course-based, there is no need to contact a potential thesis supervisor.

The purpose of the program is to provide ESL instructors with the appropriate theoretical background and practical experience to teach English in Canada and overseas.

Program Requirements

The following are the course requirements, effective immediately, for students in the TESL Master's program.

Required Courses

  • EDPY 500 Introduction to Data Analysis in Educational Research (or equivalent) *3 OR EDPY 503 Qualitative Methods of Education Research (or equivalent) *3
  • EDPY 501 Introduction to Methods of Educational Research *3
  • Five - 500 level TESL courses (or approved substitutions) *15
  • EDPY 575 TESL Supervised Practicum *3
  • EDPY 903 Capping Project in TESL *3

Total 27 Credits

View MEd Course-Based Program Planning Sheet

Doctoral Program

Program Description

The doctoral program in Studies in Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language is designed to prepare students for careers as academics and researchers. Programs are highly individualized, depending upon the student's prior education, experience, and interests. The program will comprise a minimum of 6 courses (21 credits) and a dissertation. Each student's program of study will build upon core requirements and will be uniquely designed around individual needs and interests, in consultation with the student's advisor. The three core courses are Seminar in TESL (3 credits), Research Practicum in Psychological Studies in Education (6 credits), and research methodology (3 credits). A minimum of three elective courses will be chosen: at least two from the graduate course offerings from Educational Psychology, and the remaining from the Departments of Linguistics, Secondary Education and Modern Languages and Cultural Studies. Additional courses from other departments may be considered, depending on the individual needs of the student. Students may be required to take additional courses to strengthen their background training in particular areas.

Following the completion of coursework, the student must pass an oral candidacy examination, and then conduct research, write and defend a dissertation. The focus of the dissertation will be on research in one of four general areas: (a) studies of L2 learning and teaching; (b) approaches to and evaluation of ESL classroom instruction for adults; (c) student and program evaluation; and (d) language teacher education. Candidates for the doctoral program will be chosen on the basis of research interests commensurate with those of Educational Psychology's TESL faculty. These include second language pedagogy, second language reading and literacy, learning strategies, assessment, and language teacher education.

Program Requirements

The program is comprised of a minimum of 6 courses [21 credits] plus dissertation.

Required courses

  1. EDPY 680: Seminar in Teaching English as a Second Language *3 This seminar will give doctoral students the opportunity to become acquainted with research and theory in educational linguistics. Prominent contemporary topics covered will include form-focused instruction, individual differences, discourse analysis, pragmatics, cognitive processing, pronunciation, oral fluency, learning strategies, assessment, instructional methodology, and immigrant settlement experiences. Students will complete extensive reading for this course, and participate in weekly discussions. The final product will be a review and critique of a relevant topic in the form of a paper of publishable quality.
  2. EDPY 612: Research Practicum in Psychological Studies in Education *6 or equivalent The purpose of this two-semester course is to help students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct applied research effectively. There are two components to the course: (a) the community research placement and (b) the professional development seminars. The community research placement (8 hours per week) will provide students with an opportunity to acquire experience in doing community-based research. Additionally, in every field there is tacit knowledge that is not covered systematically in most graduate curricula; thus, it is expected that the students' experiences in their research placement will provide exposure to this knowledge. The professional development seminars are designed to address a number of applied research topics, as well as expose students to a number of current professional issues facing those working in the research community.
  3. A graduate research methods course *3

Elective courses

A minimum of three 3-credit courses, selected by the student and the Supervisory Committee from a selection of courses currently available.

View PhD Program Planning Sheet

Admission Requirements

Master's Program

The minimum admission requirements for the MEd in TESL are a four-year undergraduate degree or equivalent from a recognized institution, with a minimum GPA of B over the most recent 60 credits of course work. Persons whose first language is not English must provide proof of proficiency by receiving a satisfactory score on one of our approved examination tests. 

Students entering the TESL MEd program must have:

  • TOEFL iBT or special at-home edition overall score of 94 with a minimum of 22 in Listening, 22 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 24 in Writing; 
  • IELTS Academic overall score of 7 with a minimum of 6.5 in each skill area.
  • CAEL overall 70 with a minimum of 60; 
  • PTE total score of 64 with a minimum of band score of 61.

Applicants should have a minimum of 75 hours of experience (volunteer or paid) teaching ESL. An applicant's overall grade point average (GPA) in the area of interest, letters of reference, ESL/EFL classroom teaching experience, letter of intent, and areas of academic interest are all taken into account during the selection process for all graduate programs.

Upon examination of applicants’ previous coursework, additional courses for important enrichment may be recommended (e.g., LING 101, EDPY 417, 516, 568). When registering for LING 101 or EDPY 417, students must request a message from their Advisor that confirms they have completed the prerequisites (or equivalents) for the class(es) they are requesting to be enrolled in and send their request to register to Once they're registered, students must complete a Course Extra to Degree form. Then the completed Course Extra to Degree form must be signed by the student's advisor, forwarded to and signed by a faculty representative, who will submit the form to the FGPS for approval.
Students are NOT required to complete the GRE for admission purposes.
Doctoral Program

For the 2025-2026 academic year, the Faculty of Education will only consider applicants to the PhD program with full-time status if they meet one of the following conditions: 

  • Remains professionally employed at or above .5 FTE (this includes four over five arrangements) during their studies. 
  • Has a supervisor who has expressed in writing the ability and intention of funding the student to $25,000 for each of the first two years (this includes financial co-sponsorship with another faculty member).
  • Is applying as an Indigenous student (1 studentship) or a member of an equity-denied group (1 studentship). 
  • Is sponsored by an external agency at or above $25,000 per year or has an external scholarship at or above $25,000.

Minimum Admission Requirements

The program's minimum admission requirements are a Master's degree in TESL, Applied Linguistics, or related field from a recognized institution, with a minimum GPA of B over the most recent 60 credits of course work. Applicants should have ESL or EFL teaching experience, with some empirical research experience. Applicants who are non-native speakers of English must provide proof of proficiency in the English language. Applicants who are non-native speakers of English must provide proof of proficiency in the English language. Students entering the PhD program must have an overall TOEFL iBT score or special at-home edition of 101 with a minimum of 23 in Listening, 23 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 26 in Writing; OR an overall IELTS Academic score of 7 with no band less than 6.5.

Decisions about admission are based on

  • a GPA over B (based on the most recent 60 credits)
  • evidence of research-based Master's program and continued interest in research
  • interests allied to those of TESL faculty members (please note: Dr. Leila Ranta and Dr. Marilyn Abbott are no longer accepting PhD students)
  • identification of an individual faculty member's research interest; indication of having read their publications in order to evaluate that their interests would fit with students' interests
  • research skills that contribute to the program
  • background in the area of interest from the student's Master's program
  • at least one introductory course in statistics
  • presentations or publications based on Master's research
  • eligibility for funding
  • strong letters of recommendation from academic referees with expertise in the area of L2 teaching/learning

Application Process

Check Your Eligibility

Please review the admissions requirements to confirm your eligibility. An applicant's undergraduate academic performance, letters of reference, work experience, letter of intent, and areas of academic interest are all taken into account during the selection process for all graduate programs. Due to the necessity for quotas in many program routes and the limited resources of the Faculty, many highly qualified applicants cannot be admitted. While the Faculty encourages as many applicants as possible, it also recommends applicants apply to other universities in the event they cannot be admitted to the University of Alberta.

Obtaining Supervision

Masters Programs

Please note the program is face-to-face and because it is course-based, there is no need to contact a potential thesis supervisor.

Doctoral Programs

Graduate students applying to the PhD program are strongly encouraged to reach out to a potential supervisor from our list of Faculty Staff to discuss your application in advance of applying to the Doctoral program.

Applying Online & Submitting Documents

Once you have verified your eligibility, please apply for admission through the Graduate Studies Management System (GSMS). The  Graduate Studies Management System is managed by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) which plays a key role in providing final admissions approval for all graduate students across the University of Alberta. 

All items must be received by the application deadline, including reference letters. Therefore, please ensure that your application for admission is submitted at least two weeks before the deadline.

Please note that the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies requires all transcripts and mark sheets to meet specific guidelines.

In order to successfully submit your application for admission, you will be required to upload the following supporting documents to the online application system:

Curriculum Vitae (Resume)

Current CV is required when applying for admission.

Statement of Intent (2 pages)

For MEd applicants: The letter of intent should include your professional goals; how this program will address your professional needs and interests, with specific reference to program content; your educational background, especially in the area of second language teaching and learning; your ESL/EFL teaching experience (type of program, learners, number of hours, etc.) and any other information that you feel might be relevant.

For PhD applicants: The main purpose of the statement of intent is for you to outline your research interests and goals. Please include a personal statement that briefly outlines why you want to go to graduate school, your academic career to date, and your tentative career plans. You may also include any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the Admissions Committee.

Three Letters of Reference (preferably 2 academic, 1 teaching)

Please provide the system with electronic addresses of your 3 referees. The system will then send an electronic invitation to each referee requesting a letter of reference that they will upload only after the applicant has submitted their application.

Transcripts (from all post-secondary institutions attended)

You are required to scan and upload each page (front and back) of your transcript(s).

Applicants from other countries must provide:

  • Original language marksheets/transcripts, or attested true copies, directly from each institution;
  • Original language final degree certificates, or attested true copies, directly from each institution;
  • Original English translation of marksheets/transcripts directly from each institution or an official translator and;
  • Original English translation of final degree certificates directly from each institution or an official translator.

If admitted to the program, original documentation will be required by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.

English Language Proficiency (ELP)

Master's Requirements
  • TOEFL iBT overall score of 94 with a minimum of 22 in Listening, 22 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 24 in Writing; 
  • IELTS Academic overall score of 7 with a minimum of 6.5 in each skill area.
  • CAEL overall 70 with a minimum of 60; 
  • PTE total score of 64 with a minimum of band score of 61.
Doctoral Requirements

Students entering the PhD program must have an overall TOEFL iBT score of 101 with a minimum of 23 in Listening, 23 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 26 in Writing; OR an overall IELTS Academic score of 7 with no band less than 6.5.

Documented Experience

MEd applicants: Documented ESL/EFL classroom teaching experience

PhD applicants: Documented empirical research experience and documented ESL/EFL classroom teaching experience

Await the Official Admission Decision

Once we have received all of the required documents, your application is considered complete and the application will move forward to the review process. Applicants will be notified in the GSMS Application Portal once an official decision has been made.

Successful applicants will receive the official letter of acceptance issued by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) in the GSMS portal. A department letter will follow that will outline further details of the admission including potential information such as funding offers or program information. Successful international applicants will require the letter of acceptance from FGPS in order to proceed with the application for travel documents such as a study permit and VISA.

IMPORTANT: Official documents (transcripts, degree certificates, etc.) may be required upon receiving the conditional offer of admission letter. Documents must be sent directly from the post-secondary institution to the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies office. Detailed instructions will be outlined in your offer letter.

What you need to know:

Accepting Applications from 

Master's program:
October 15, 2024 - February 1, 2025

Doctoral program:
October 1, 2024 - December 1, 2024


Graduate Advisor:
Please direct admissions questions, program inquiries, etc., to

Program Coordinator:
Dr. Marilyn Abbott

Program Faculty:
Dr. Marilyn Abbott
Dr. Jennifer Foote
Dr. Kent Lee
Dr. Leila Ranta