Transferring from an Engineering Transfer Program

In order to successfully transfer to the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta, students in Engineering Transfer Programs must meet the following requirements:

1. Attempt 30.0 engineering units of coursework in the Fall and Winter terms

Attempted courses include all courses that a student receives a final grade for at the end of the term. This includes grades of F, but does not include courses that have been withdrawn from (grades of W).

2. Complete 30.0 engineering units of transferable coursework in the Fall, Winter and Spring terms

In order for a course to be considered transferable, students must achieve a grade of at least C-. Grades of F, D and D+ are not transferable to the University of Alberta.

3. Present at least a 2.3 GPA across the Fall and Winter terms*

While admission to Engineering at Alberta is guaranteed if a student meets these requirements, admission into Engineering disciplines is competitive and determined by how well a student does in the Engineering transfer program.

Before transferring to the University of Alberta, students in the transfer programs must submit an application to the University of Alberta and follow all standard application procedures and deadlines. Applications must be submitted by March 1 for entry the following September. Official transcripts and other official documents as required are due by June 15.

* Some transfer agreements may require a different GPA ranging between a 2.3-2.5.  This standard will be set collaboratively between  institutions.

For more information, please contact our Prospective Student Advising Team at

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the 2.3 GPA referring to?
The 2.3 GPA is referring to the admission GPA a student achieves in the Fall and Winter terms of the eEngineering transfer program they are attending.
I completed some post-secondary prior to attending the Engineering Transfer program. How will this affect my assessment when transferring to the University of Alberta?
We will take your full academic history into consideration when applying to our program. Your Admission GPA will be calculated on your Fall and Winter Engineering Transfer Program, as long as you completed the entirety of the program.
What happens if a course is not transferable?

Grades of F, D and D+ are not transferable to the University of Alberta. 

In order for a course to be considered transferable, students must achieve a grade of at least C- or better. Students who have less than 30 engineering units of transferable coursework at the end of the winter term can take Spring courses to meet the minimum 30 engineering units required to transfer. Please let the Student Service Center know if you plan to take Spring classes so your application can be updated. 

When will I know my discipline?

You will be notified through Bear Tracks of your discipline placement in early July.

When is it appropriate to take spring/summer classes?

If you successfully completed less than 30 units during your Fall and Winter terms in the transfer program we would encourage you to take a Spring term course to make up the units. We do not accept Summer term courses to meet the unit requirement.

What classes at University of Calgary, Red Deer Polytechnic etc. transfer to first-year engineering classes at the University of Alberta?
Transferable coursework from our Transfer Programs can be found in the Alberta Transfer Guide. Coursework not listed in the Alberta Transfer Guide will be assessed on a course- by course basis. We require a course syllabi we will notify you by email.