Select Candidate

Ensure you have completed all prior steps for recruitment before proceeding.

For Academic Faculty hiring please refer and follow the Academic Selection Procedure . For all other staff types, follow the instructions below.

Hiring a Foreign National?

If applications are open to foreign nationals, there are additional steps you must take. Learn more


1. Evaluate the candidates

When interviews have been completed, the hiring manager facilitates the evaluation process. The goal is to objectively evaluate candidates against the selection criteria, the department needs and preferred competencies to determine if there is a good match. Consider Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles during the evaluation process, ensuring a fair and unbiased final selection.

The evaluation considers:

  • Application documents (resume and cover letter).
  • Certifications, education credentials, interview assessments (incorporates selection criteria) or other bonafide requirements (as outlined in the posting, if applicable).
  • Team meeting feedback (if applicable).
  • Personal suitability, including; competence, experience, and soft skills relevant to position requirements, team culture and diversity of thought.
    • Work unit-specific factors, such as work environment, professionalism, work location and existing team competencies.
2. Select your candidate

To minimize subjectivity, each candidate should be evaluated against the same selection criteria and factors. It may be helpful to use a spreadsheet or the scoring scale found at the bottom of the interview guides.

  • Avoid making quick decisions; take a day or two to consider all factors and evaluation results prior to proceeding with reference checks.
  • For close matches, consider a second round of interviews and/or reference checks on top candidates.
  • If none of the candidates meet the requirements, re-post the job if necessary.
    • Consider adjusting the approach by updating the posting to be more compelling or consider additional advertising options.
  • The official note-taker records competition outcomes, summarizes evaluations and lists the rationale for the selection decision in the recruitment folder  for future reference.
    • If notes are taken on paper, please scan and upload them into the recruitment folder.
3. Check references

Reference checks are a tool that can substantiate and validate a final candidate’s information and provide further insight into a candidate's skills, abilities, and knowledge.

Current and previous U of A employees reference check

  • Inform your top candidate that you are proceeding with a reference check:
    • Request a minimum of two work-related references, including a current and/or recent supervisor(s), allowing for probing follow-up questions from the interview and assessment.
  • Ensure the candidate signs the Consent for Collection and Verification of Information Form  to prevent legal or FOIP implications.
  • For current and previous U of A employees, reference information may be obtained from their personnel file as well as from their current and previous supervisors at the university. Connect with your HR Partner  for support.
  • When considering a previous or current U of A employee for a position, consult your HR Partner  prior to making an offer.

Online reference check (preferred method)

  • Our reference check process is completed digitally through our platform, Certn, allowing references to respond at their convenience, therefore expediting the process.
  • If using our online reference platform, you do not need to collect the references or have the consent form signed as this happens automatically. 
  • Inform your top candidate that you are proceeding with a reference check:
    • They will receive an email from Certn to provide their references and digitally acknowledge the consent form.
  • Review the questions in the Pre-Employment Reference Guide  , which can be customized to the specific job requirements.
  • To initiate the check, submit a ticket to the Staff Service Centre with the competition number, candidate's email and any additional questions (if applicable).
  • Once the references are complete, you will be provided with the reports via your ticket.

Phone reference check (recommended for leadership roles)

  • Phone reference checks are the most informative method if you need to probe for specific follow up information.
  • Inform your top candidate that you are proceeding with a reference check:
    • Request a minimum of two work-related references, including a current and/or recent supervisor(s), allowing for probing follow-up questions from the interview and assessment.
      • Secure candidate consent before contacting individuals known to both you and the candidate. Inquire about the candidate's willingness to use that person as a reference, recognizing they may choose not to include them on their reference list.
  • Ensure the candidate signs the Consent for Collection and Verification of Information Form  to prevent legal or FOIP implications.
  • Review the questions in the Pre-Employment Reference Guide  , which can be customized to the specific job requirements.
  • Start the reference check by introducing yourself, explaining the purpose of the call, confidentiality standards and whether this is a good time (or confirm a call back time).
    • Establish a rapport and provide a brief description of the position.
    • Listen carefully to what is said and what is not.
    • Probe for details if flags are raised.
    • Human rights legislation applies the same as in the selection interviews.
    • If required, confirm credentials (e.g. educational accomplishments, previous employment, research or licences/certifications).
  • Compile and retain reference information securely for privacy and FOIP compliance within the Recruitment Folder .
4. Finalize the reference check
  • Provide an update to the interview panel/selection committee upon completion of the reference checks.
  • If reference checks are not positive, discuss alternatives such as requesting additional references, checking references of other candidates or re-posting the position.
  • Inform all candidates of the outcome promptly and stay in touch if there are delays in the decision.
5. Regret candidates

Send regrets to unsuccessful candidates

Hiring managers or HR Partners should contact interviewed candidates by phone or email to thank them for their time and advise them that they are not the successful candidate. This promotes goodwill between potential employees and the university and is consistent with current best practices in recruitment. Review the Candidate Experience step for best practices on providing feedback.

Records Retention

To maintain confidentiality, ensure recruitment records are stored, destroyed, or transferred, according to the records retention schedule. Learn more

Need Support?

Shared Services can provide recruitment support related to the following:

  • Job postings
  • Recruitment folder set-up
  • Initial screening
  • Immigration
  • Recall and duty to accommodate
  • Reference checks
  • Moving and relocation
  • Records management
  • Offer letters

If your faculty, department, or unit is a Recruitment Pilot participant, learn more  about how to access services for your hiring needs.

Your HR Partner  can provide support for interviews at the leadership level and any other questions throughout the steps for recruitment.