Educational Research Procedure: Trainee Research Access Committee (TRAC)
Effective November 1, 2013, a process was put in place for researchers who wish to conduct education research within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD). This process is a result of the increasing demand on our students and residents to participate in educational research studies. The goal of this process is not to hinder researchers; rather, we wish to ensure that participant recruitment is not overwhelming to FoMD students (undergraduate and graduate), residents or fellows.
All educational research studies recruiting FoMD learners as participants must be approved by the Trainee Research Access Committee (TRAC), a subcommittee of the Faculty Learning Committee. A brief description of the study and the name of the Principal Investigator(s) will be entered into a central database. All studies will be reviewed for goals, objectives, anticipated impact, recruitment plans (including timing), and anticipated burden on participants. The approval process will not be a barrier to researchers (turn-around time will be as short as possible).
Each application to TRAC requires the following components:
- University of Alberta Research Ethics Approval
- List of all investigators
- Brief description of the study including goals and objectives
- Brief description of the study design and research methods, including the timing of the study
- Expected outcomes
- Participant recruitment process and timing of recruitment, including desired sample size
- Anticipated impact/burden on the participants
The University of Alberta follows Tri-Council recommendations on ethics approval procedures regarding data collection from FoMD students. A local site investigator and approval from the University of Alberta Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) is required.
Applications to TRAC can be submitted through this form:
Questions before submitting? Please contact:
Jocelyn Plemel, Executive Assistant
Office of the Vice Dean, Education
2J2.00, WC Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre
Tel: 780-492-5995
Fax: 780-492-7303