Faculty Development

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta provides consultation, collaboration and other supports to help faculty members achieve success and satisfaction in their academic roles.

A comprehensive, coordinated strategy has been carefully designed to meet the needs of faculty members. The faculty development team offers numerous workshops, processes, materials, contacts and other useful resources to assist faculty in the following four areas:

  • Engagement and Performance - focuses on mastery of teaching and supervision of learners, role modelling and mentoring of junior faculty members.

    Workshops and teaching manuals provide information, methodologies and strategies that faculty may use in a variety of venues including the classroom, lab and workplace.

  • Scholarship - includes the scholarly domains of teaching, education integration and application, clinical practice and discovery (research).

    Faculty members are offered workshops and seminars, guides and assessment tools, plus contacts for information, guidance and support. Faculty who wish to make teaching their primary area of responsibility can apply for the Teaching Scholars Program. This part-time certificate program focuses on curriculum development, educational scholarship and academic leadership skills.

  • Leadership and administration - focuses on the development of leadership and administrative skills for medical educators.

    Some topic areas include: assessing the strategic readiness of a group, applying a stakeholder needs-based approach to the planning of educational initiatives, the key steps to developing a useful strategic plan and leading a strategic-planning event.

  • Promotion and Tenure - guides and prepares faculty members for promotion and a successful, well-aligned career.

    Early alignment of individual and faculty goals, thoughtful construction of job descriptions, orientation, guidance and mentoring are the essential ingredients for a successful academic career. To support this, the faculty offers interactive workshops, other resources and contacts.

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