
Margaret Ruth Crawford Memorial Scholarship

The Margaret Ruth Crawford Memorial Scholarship, is awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement who is graduating from a Psychology program at the University of Alberta and entering a graduate program in a clinically-related field. Application is through self-nomination and consists of a letter explaining why the student deserves the award, an official transcript, and proof of acceptance into a relevant graduate program.

Value: $1000

To apply:
Visit the Undergraduate and Graduating Awards section of the Scholarships, Awards and Financial Support website. This award is not processed through the Department of Psychology but through the Awards office.

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) provides Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA or Summer Studentships) to science and engineering students. These awards provide financial support for students to gain research experience in an academic setting between May and August and are meant to encourage students to pursue graduate studies and a research career in these fields. For more information, see the NSERC Student Research Awards webpage.

Applications must be generated via the NSERC portal and submitted to by 5:00 pm MST, 27th March 2024.

Applicants for SSHRC or CIHR USRAs must apply using the same procedure as per NSERC. Applications must be generated via the NSERC portal and submitted to by 5:00 pm MST, 11th March 2024.

Roger S. Smith Undergraduate Student Research Award

The Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Researcher Award, provides 15 students in the Faculty of Arts with the opportunity to engage in 15 weeks of research-based activity during the summer months. Available to continuing undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts with a minimum GPA of 3.3.

Value: $5000

For more information or the application form, see the Roger S. Smith Undergraduate Researcher Award webpage.

Alberta Innovates Summer Studentships

The Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentship program provides funding to support students engaging in medical and health sciences research and innovation during the summer months (May-August).

URI Undergraduate Researcher Stipend

The Undergraduate Researcher Stipend enables undergraduate students to carry out mentored, interdisciplinary research projects and creative activities. The URI Stipend allows undergraduate students to enrich their university experience through hands-on discovery and skill development in a research-intensive university.

The URI is committed to supporting opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds. The URI Stipend is open to students in any year of study, and any discipline, including full-time or part-time students, domestic and international students. The URI Stipend is not adjudicated on the basis of GPA, and demographic information is not provided to adjudicators.

URI Undergraduate Research Support Fund

The Undergraduate Research Support Fund supports undergraduate research and creative activities by offsetting direct costs associated with undergraduate research-related activities. The URI Support Fund offers up to $500 to offset costs incurred at any stage of the undergraduate research process.