
The honors program in psychology offers an exciting opportunity for motivated undergraduate students to get first-hand experience conducting research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Both BA and BSc honors degrees are available, and apart from faculty-specific requirements, are identical. The main focus of your work in the honors program is a research-based thesis project, with two phase:

  • Year 3: A research apprenticeship, culminating in a thesis proposal
  • Year 4: Thesis research, including publicly presenting the results at the Royce-Harder Research Conference and writing the thesis itself

You will also build a professional network, and join a cohort of like-minded peers who share your passion for psychology. This program will prepare you for your next step after university, including preparation for research or clinical graduate programs or one of the many careers that benefits from psychology training. Finally, the honors seminars will teach you important skills, including public speaking, collaboration/teamwork, writing, data management, and critical thinking skills.

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